Payment gateway

May be Bitcoins through BitPay ?

How does those works? Do you just hook up your Bank Account and your all done?

Or do you need anything else?

Are there any drawbacks to accepting Bitcoins like this or are all your risks absorb by doing this?
We use Stripe, and also paypal, Make sure your WHMCS stays up to date because there has been a lot of fraudulent signups and do not accept the charges if you suspect fraud.

We use Stripe, and also paypal, Make sure your WHMCS stays up to date because there has been a lot of fraudulent signups and do not accept the charges if you suspect fraud.


updating WHMCS will not stop fraudulent signups, you need to use Maxmind etc. along with WHMCS to help filter out fraud order.
Any feedback about 2checkout?

with 2checkout if you dont have any transactions through them in a 4 mth period they will revert your account to a buy only account, so you could only use your account to buy through and not use it to see products/ services.