Normal Web Hosting vs Cloud Hosting

My views, cloud hosting is way way better than normal hosting, because it is hosted at different servers and website do not have any downtime.
Your Views on Cloud Hosting compared to normal hosting plans? Which type of customers should opt for Cloud hosting plans:)

Cloud hosting far more Superior and provides true HA I would recommend cloud hosting for a business site, a site that you depend on income from, for a personal site then regular hosting would be fine, I would not care if my personal blog was down, I would if my business site was.
As stated above, the best choice in terms of reliability would be cloud hosting. Of course you've got to think that some things aren't allowed on cloud servers that are usually allowed on regular hosting servers (software wise). I've not messed with cloud hosting much, however I've experienced this first hand when purchasing hosting from clouds.

I must say, that cloud hosting has been a big hit for me, I'm just not too fond of having my files on multiple servers. If I were to go for dependability however, I'd choose cloud.
It depends on what you need to do. If you need more resources and generate much traffic, it is better to use the cloud service.
As compared to normal hosting, cloud hosting is more secure and flexible.

Previously cloud was suitable for only those customers who have more budget, but now a days it is suitable for all types of users.
Cloud hosting is much better than normal hosting. It is more secure and flexible. Our shared hosting uses a cloud infrastructure. Each aspect of the service (emails, web storage, databases) is handled by a separate cluster of servers.

Customers accounts are using multiple servers at once, and this makes the service more reliable, and the upgrades easier, as the hosting can be scaled a lot.
People look for cloud hosting as it is "modern" and sort of "the new thing in web hosting". Customer know that a shared hosting account can suffer from overselling or servers being hacked and they believe going with a cloud will give them better uptime and reliability.
It seems like cloud hosting is the way to go, with increased reliability, scalability, performance, energy efficiency, resource efficiency and the independence of hardware.
I would say Cloud Hosting offers more secure hosting services compared to normal hosting plans.

Cloud Hosting brings absolutely no benefit for security especially, more like in reliability and uptime. And for all I've seen people (and hosts) do like to use this term rather loosely. Nowadays every glorified VPS with some additional settings is advertised as "Cloud" :rolleyes2
Don't believe the hype.

Cloud does NOT ALWAYS mean that multiple hosts back up a service, some times cloud means a service is elastic and can have it's resources changed on the fly, like OpenVZ for instance, or even shared hosting if you can instantly upgrade space, bandwidth, CPU and Memory resources like with CloudLinux.

But lets look at "true cloud" where one server falls back to another.

Scalability is better: No, you are still bound by the size of the host servers, maybe you are thinking of clustering

Performance is better: No, you have by definition less resources as your machine is sharing with at least the hypervisor, and your hardware is communicated to via a abstraction layer.

More energy efficient: Not really, as you now need two nodes, where one would have been sufficient. But this can be argued if you have better density, but if you have better density, you are likely to have less performance.

Resource efficiency: Yes, agree here

Independence of hardware: Yes, this is a big plus.

Don't forget easier deployment.

When you can purchase devices claiming to be "home clouds" we should be careful using the term. Most people see the cloud as anything on the web, like on a Visio diagram, if you don't know what is between A and B stick a cloud there!
Cloud hosting is much better than normal hosting.Because Cloud hosting provides better uptime than other types of web hosting. If you look the advantages, then the main one will be Traffic. This aren't a problem; the cloud can handle them.
Nowadays Cloud Hosting is replacing most of the Shared Hosting Plans with the advanced technology like Auto-fail-over, auto-scaling, performance and efficiency of energy consumption & resources.
cloud hosting is the next trend and undeniably more people are migrating to cloud for website and data storage etc. They want accessibility and flexibility which can't be found in common shared hosting.

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