Manage or unmanage servers?

In my opinion Planning ahead for future needs or problems is also helpful. The hosting service should offer on-site staff who can upgrade systems or add hardware with minimal downtime. Customer service should be available 24 hours a day, seven days per week, to ensure constant website functionality, even on weekends or holidays.

In addition to hardware requirements, managed dedicated servers will have software requirements that are specific to your needs. Many dedicated hosting services offer software packages and support services. This software often includes website authoring, database management, and security software. Additional software packages may also be included for specific needs, such as secure shopping carts or project management scripts.

Building an amazing website may be futile if security flaws or an operating system error bring the site down. A dedicated hosting service that includes software updates, operating system upgrades, and regular security audits may be a good choice. Searching for a service that provides updates and increased security can help to avoid unscheduled website downtime.
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No matter your expertise, I believe managed is the way to go. It saves you a lot of headaches and if something should go wrong, there are staff waiting there to help fix it. Unmanaged you are pretty much on your own. I went that route and paid for it in the end.
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No matter your expertise, I believe managed in the way to go. It saves you a lot of headaches and if something should go wrong, there are staff waiting there to help fix it. Unmanaged you are pretty much on your own. I went that route and paid for it in the end.

Having or not having a managed server could probably be the difference between success and failure with a lot of folks.

I'm with romes on his thoughts.
After my experience with managed I'll never pickup again managed, because with managed I have no control over other people mistakes especially in security. It is enough 1 second wrong to destroy years of experience / knowledge. So again I'll never take a chance (with security) with managed services for my customers

As for my understanding, unmanaged servers are for people that have huge experience with server administration. If you know hardware well (better than provider's techs) - you are on the clear. Managed servers are for customers with less experience, who should rely on techs to deal with issues.

Our techs are CISCO-certified, for example, and majority of our clients prefer managed servers, as they trust us. They prefer paying few extra bucks for protection, rather than spending sleepless nights trying to find a solution.
If you have expertise in server management and if you have good team, you can go with unmanaged servers. For unmanaged servers, you will need good team members who have expertise in server management.
If you have expertise in server management and if you have good team, you can go with unmanaged servers. For unmanaged servers, you will need good team members who have expertise in server management.

the butter butter because butter is butter.
I would go with unmanaged only if you have enough experience and feel comfortable of taking care of everything yourself; otherwise go for managed and save yourself the headache
If you have the skills to manage your server, then unmanaged can be an option, otherwise managed servers should be the way to go.
Managing a server is not the easiest thing, especially if you are a beginner. Many times technically persons are not able to keep an eye on servers efficiently and hiring a VPS hosting expert is costly, this is the reason why various hosting companies provide fully managed hosting services so that their clients also take advantage of the expertise of the support team and also they can receive the required assistance to develop a web hosting environment of their needs.

In Managed Hosting You can get support for following factors :
1) Physical hardware monitoring, replacement and management.
2) Server/ Service monitoring.
3) Third party application installations & its troubleshooting.
4) Operating System & Control Panel Management.

According to me, choosing Managed server is the right choice.
Choosing between a managed or unmanaged server really comes down to what requirements you need and what resources you have available to you and the amount you’re wanting to spend.

If you have the technical resources already available, it might not be worth paying the extra amount for a managed service as you can save costs by having an unmanaged server and not duplicate the resources you already have available.

If you have limited time and technical resources available to you, then as twhdir has stated in his post, having a managed service can be highly beneficial and save you a lot in regards to time and stress.

So it is a difficult decision which needs to be weighed upon in regards to your specific variables to your resources availability and time.

Hope this helps

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Most of those "What is best: A or B" questions really come down to many factors that determine "best" on a case-by-case scenario. Speaking from a client standpoint I am all about having multiple choices and the freedom to determine my "best". So, if you have the knowledge to offer Managed Services, its perfectly natural to offer both managed and unmanaged and let the potential clients make their choice. This way you are expanding your product portfolio and giving your users that much needed freedom. Now, if you don't possess the needed knowledge I think its pretty easy to make the decision of what to offer :agree: ;)
If you go with managed server ask your provider are they reactive or proactive

reactive will do when you told them to do
proactive do before you know ;)
Managed is most always going to be best unless a user is an all around expert or has the time to research and correct some type of error they may know little about. When you go managed you are helping yourself because if your host has a seasoned and knowledgeable support team they may be able to fix an issue in 15 mins. compared to what might take a confused or at a loss users= hours to correct.
For all I know my way around a server and can sort out and fix most issues, i always go the for Managed servers as you never know when you may need assistance. I do have an unmanaged server that i use for my own site.
If you have skilful technical support or you have skill how to managed linux/windows server such as installation, software upgrade, troubleshooting and etc, you can purchase unmanaged server.

If you dont have, you should purchase server management service to manage your server.
Why pay the premium if you'll likely never use the service? This expense can add up and put a huge dent in your ROI. You can always go with providers that offer cheap, one-off management tickets if you get in a bind.
If you are technically sound and can manage your server then unmanaged server is an ideal choice for you. Definitely you can save some money as compare to managed server.

Whether to choose managed or unmanaged server, it lot depends upon the technical proficiency.
If you are technically sound and can manage your server then unmanaged server is an ideal choice for you. Definitely you can save some money as compare to managed server.

Whether to choose managed or unmanaged server, it lot depends upon the technical proficiency.

but you also need to weight up the option of paying 10 to 30% more for a managed server, which gives you technical knowledge of the provider if and when you need it against paying the large fees per issue to an external technician either per job or on a recurring contract basis, as you never know when you may need assistance even if you know your way around a server.