Looking for investor

I would love to make this my 9-5 but I can't quit my job at the moment. I am just working on a start up to make it my 9-5.


I can see where your coming from, and I would quit but I can't loose my house and car and wife right this moment so I have to keep the income coming in.


Bashful, I think I have answered this above. This new start-up will have my 100% commitment but I still have to have income coming to pay for the necessities and I am not asking for an investor to pay for those.


The following is just advice. Its not an offer or conditions for an offer

Perhaps your request needs some rewording. You just can't promise 100% commitment and keep the full time job. It will have to be something less than 100%. And who makes up the difference? The investor?

The potential investor will see this as either (1) false promises or (2) the unattractive opportunity to give you money and work for you at the same time.

You should polish up your presentation. For example, What will you be bringing to the table?
After I got started, I would quit the job to focus on this web host. I am not making promises or putting a date on when I would quit. But, I would be after the Investor was paid back from his initial investment and be getting paid his % of profit.
ATTN: As much as it is appreciated, the OP asked for an investment, not the advice. This is, after all, a Marketplace forum.

If you are interested in the investment opportunity, please contact the poster directly, or provide contact means in the post to discuss details.

Further general/advice-type posts will be removed.