Looking for high bandwidth host


New member
Hey Folks,
I've been reading reviews here and at whreviews and I'm still at a loss of finding the right hosting service.
Of all the 'Honest Hosts' mentioned at whreviews, only 2 seem to fit my requirements. Lunarpages and HostGator. Unfortunately I've read quite a few bad reviews about both and the low price leaves me skeptical. I'm also a little leery of their cPanel.
My current host service runs $24.95 a month. I get 40gb of storage and 150gb of monthly transfer. The problem is, while I only use about 3 1/2gb of the storage I always exceed the monthly transfer by about 20 to 30gb and I need to add more to my site which will increase the bandwidth transfer.
My site is basically a gamer site and I host over 500 down-loadable files, ranging in size from 200kb to 300mb, with more being added weekly. I also have a forum (phpBB) but it doesn't involve a lot of traffic. Maybe 5 to 10 posts a day.
Along with the need for a higher bandwidth allotment I recently had a bad experience with the hosting service, hence the thought of looking elsewhere for services. I've been with the current service for almost 5 years.
I do require MySQL but not a lot of other features.
There is no financial activity connected with my site and I despise advertising of any kind.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hawk, depending on what your resource usage is, and what your budget is, perhaps you can even consider moving to a VPS server. Although personally I think you should be OK with a shared environment for now.

For $25/mo, you can find plenty of providers who would offer enough space and bandwidth to grow. You can try scanning through out marketplace forums below or put a request in in the "Web Hosting Request" forum and see what offers you can get for your budget.

Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned in my post, I generally exceed my monthly bandwidth allotment of 150gb.
I'll try your advice.
And don't foget loking for reviews of that webhosting company. especially negative ones.
Thanks for the tips folks, but after looking through the marketplace it looks like the host I have is where I should stay.
I did find a couple that seemed worthy of more investigation until I realized they offered no phone support. A very crucial feature for me. Even though I don't use it often, it's nice to have in a pinch.
Yep! I did use Google. That's how I found whreviews.
I just haven't found any other hosting companies that seemed to offer what I need, and if they did they didn't have phone support.
Of course there is LunarPages and HostGator but their prices scare me off. To cheap and as I said I read some bad reviews on them.
I think I'll stick with my current hosting company for now. At least they have phone support.
One thing I do like about them is so far they haven't charged me for going over my bandwidth, even though they say they charge $2.00 per gig over.
They say that as long as their servers aren't to busy they don't charge.
Hello. I guess few dollats is not serious. You get what you pay for. Good webhosting package should start on 5-6 dollars (my IMO)
Hawk, I'd just let you have some information and then you can decide about different hosts you come across. Dear, servers don't come for cheap or for free and if a host has good support, staff needs to be paid for, as well. With equipment, staff and server costs, cost transferred to clients like yourself, may be substantially higher than the cost you would otherwise incur with average host or resellers.

A server could cost anywhere above $150 if you are looking for a decent Celeron (I am not arguing cheap servers, but banking on "What you pay is what you get" logic ). If you mean performance, $300 is what you can expect for a Dual Xeon server. Remember, we are only talking about server cost, other expenses need to be looked at still. Server configuration would be like 1000Gb bandwidth or 1200Gb bandwidth, ignoring space as your criteria is HIGH BANDWIDTH HOST. So, evenif you need 200Gb bandwidth, be prepared to shell atleast 1/5th of server costs, i.e $60 and above

If your search brings you hosts or server providers charging lesser, you can very well think how will they be able to cover server costs, unless they oversell massively, again something you would want to run away from.

Hostgator...wow! Am i allowed to curse anyone? Don't think so! I guess you got the message. :)

Let us know how your search goes.
Hi Blue-I looked at the knowhost link. I really don't have the experience and/or knowledge to run a VPS, and for $10.00 more I'd be loosing 30gb of storage, although gaining 250gb of transfer.
It's still looking like my best option is to stay where I'm at.
Thanks a bunch for all the advice and tips. It is greatly appreciated. :thumbsup:

bandboy-I guess you were posting at the same time as me.
At $24.95 a month it seems it's hard to beat what I get from my current hosting service, especially considering over 5 years I've only had a coupe of problems, and minor ones at that.
I suppose I should be happy with what I have. :rolleyes:
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traffic => upgrade!

I recently got a boom in traffic because of some scandalous posts on my blog - http://allsux.com - and switched up service because of it. I've been pretty happy with what I've gotten so far, but mostly it's word-of-mouth that, in my opinion, should sell you on something (most of those sponsored Google ads are filled with banners - not to be trusted).

Good luck.
Thanks for the tip.
I checked out Gate and it was looking pretty good with the exception of a couple of things.
First, I couldn't find a demo for the CP. Then, when reading the FAQ, I found out they only allow one FTP account. I currently have 5 set up, plus anonymous FTP. They run a little bit older version of MySQL than the host I'm with now, too.
Their dedicated servers seemed reasonably priced though.
I'm still considering them.
Thanks for the tips folks.
Unfortunately ahosting doesn't offer near the bandwidth I require. Their top package is on 10 GB a month and I'm currently exceeding 150 GB a month.

Voxel doesn't have a whole lot of info on their site.
Hawk said:
Voxel doesn't have a whole lot of info on their site.

Thats a good point. Most hosts who do not have information or aren't transparent must be avoided IMHO. You never know when they include or frame a policy and implment it. Afterall, if they can't have info. on their site, how are they gonna convince client into purchasing hosting?

Let us know whom you go with.
It looks like I'll be sticking with my current hosting service. All the research I've done has led me to think that will be my best bet.
Thanks for all the tips folks. It's greatly appreciated. They've all helped to make a more educated and knowledgeable decision. :beer:
There are plenty of hosts that will offer more than you get right at this current stage; I would highly recommend using ANHosting for only $7 USD per month, they offer a reliable service, with a large quantity of space and a rather extravagant amount of bandwidth.
Thanks for the tip but I believe I'll have to pass on ANHosting. It seems they've been bought out by MidPhase, which doesn't come with very good reviews.
Also, I tend to be leery of hosting services that offer so much for so little.
Like Mama always said, 'If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." :rolleyes:

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