Live chat


New member
Hi, had a small query, we just started using live chat on a trial basis, how do I deal with clients who are a bit pesky & sticky? being polite helps but not always..
Asking clients "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?" or "Have I answered all your questions?" helps. :)
Agreed with Artashes but you still have to be polite :)

My questions are supposed to be a polite form of asking if you can do anything else for the customer. These questions are usually asked by any customer service representative over the phone. It is a proven formula to finish the conversation politely and professionally after all questions are answered.
My questions are supposed to be a polite form of asking if you can do anything else for the customer. These questions are usually asked by any customer service representative over the phone. It is a proven formula to finish the conversation politely and professionally after all questions are answered.

Correct Art. :) It is my bad English, I think I made the post with wrong word 'but'.

being polite helps but not always..

I tried answering Nancy to not being impolite.
Thank you guys, I agree that using lines like these "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?" does help, if the client is smart enough to understand then he will get the hint if not then help me oh Lord..
Another thing you can do is something we do

I've had clients who want just keep you on the line for the smallest thing, even to talk about the weather. Try the "Is there anything else" method, then if after a few minutes they still don't get it, politely say something like

"(NAME) I appreciate teh conversation, but I really need to close this chat soon. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

That usually gives them the hint.
I have a live support application too. It's IMPERATIVE to remain polite with the client. A small thing can make the client not want to have business with you at most times. When I was the "client" I always used to be angry with how the hosting company handled their live support applications as well.
Well, if I like something that is polite LiveChat help service. There is nothing better than someone greeting or escorting you with one of those sentences. I immediately start to feel better even if my problem wasn't solved. :D
I do agree with everyone here that its imperative to be polite and pleasant while staying professional. :D
Thank you guys, I agree that using lines like these "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?" does help, if the client is smart enough to understand then he will get the hint if not then help me oh Lord..

I think most people have enough common sense to realize, "hey... maybe I should close the chat now". My experience is that the clients are the ones that end up closing the chat even if there are a few that kind of linger around.

I haven't done live chat sales/support in quite a while now, but when I did honesty always worked for me. Find a nice way to tell them that you don't have time for small talk (if you do, by all means go ahead and do some small talk -- that makes them feel appreciated ;)).
1 thing you must remember is the client is always right! you never treat them bad they are the future of your business.
Yes Deadly, completely agree with you, 100 good things are forgotten by 1 mistake.. to the rest, yes, if time permits the I do indulge them in small talk sjust to make them feel comfortable but at times its difficult when you have a couple of others waiting who may have a genuine query. But in the end, we are meant to make all the customers happy.. :)
Hi Nancy, i have a little advice for you, i hope it would be useful, I've been working as a customer relations officer in web hosting company for over than 3 years and believe me, i have experienced all kind of complaints from customer over the world through live chat and phone calls

the first thing that you will need to do is treat them like a good friend of yours, try to give empathy with a nice and polite words, i still have a lot experiences to share regarding customer service, please feel free to let me know :)
Live chat with prospected customers takes too much time.. They usually ask what they want to learn about the whole concept, not the service... I know" being polite", but they ask more more and more.. That's why, I always prefer emails..
I always prefer to stick to the point without getting into small talk with customers. I've also noticed that if they veer off course, you can simply delay your response a bit to get the point across that you've got other, more important things to deal with. They can't complain about "slow response times" in such cases because it's not as if they've got a problem or service related question which you haven't responded to, is it? :)
I would advise you to deal with clients who are a bit pesky & sticky in a manner in which I have done in past just stick to basics and gave appropriate answers to their queries ,no moving around bushes you will see they will also respond in same manner......
:smash: :smash:
another advise or suggestion is if your client are rude and start using the F or S word then you can simply say :
'Dear customer if you keep using those impolite words then i we will need to close this conversation, thank you'