Lightweight livechat software


New member
What livechat software has the lightest footprint? Some of them can require the user to download 250kb+ of files, which is quite a bit.
What livechat software has the lightest footprint? Some of them can require the user to download 250kb+ of files, which is quite a bit.

I just installed this and love it, but I can't get the sound to work. Without sounds it's really pointless.

Sucks because everything looks great. Maybe someone can fix it :)

It's $16 by the way to own.
I would suggest taking a look on CodeCanyon for livechat scripts. If the script is hosted on your site of course there will be a slightly larger download size however I have come across some lightweight ones there.
I am using LiveZilla and its working great for me. The light version is enough to get all updates for my browser and live chats.

It depends on the solution, for free your choice will be limited. You can try an optimize any free software by compressing the libraries they ship with (if not already compressed).

Otherwise you've got premium applications that can be cloud hosted to further boost the speed/delivery. Most of these should already be optimized and will work well with both mobile and desktop based browsers.

Personally, my vote goes for Kayako's live chat software. They support many powerhouse organizations that I'm sure is heavily concerned with speed.
