LBhosting review and company response

haris duboi

Account Disabled

Hi Just wanted to share my recent experience, I have been hosting at And I haven't had any problems so far. Of course we all know that can change at any time but I been happy with them so far.
Can you provide the site address you have with them.

I would be concerned if I were you.
Unlimited disk space and transfer is dishonest.
I would also be concerned that the seem to have plagiarized on their site:

The overall level of dishonesty on this site is remarkable.

Good luck with them.
Can you provide the site address you have with them.

I would be concerned if I were you.
Unlimited disk space and transfer is dishonest.
I would also be concerned that the seem to have plagiarized on their site:

The overall level of dishonesty on this site is remarkable.

Good luck with them.

Quite a lot of reasearch involved there Blue :thumbup:, though i think LB might have a lot on their plate considering the similarity to all of those large providers mentioned. I'd expect several DMCA Acts are in the post allready.
Can you provide the site address you have with them.

I would be concerned if I were you.
Unlimited disk space and transfer is dishonest.
I would also be concerned that the seem to have plagiarized on their site:

The overall level of dishonesty on this site is remarkable.

Good luck with them.

Well, with that info provided. I have no words..
I need to post my opinion even though it might not serve any purpose any longer. But I think that credit needs to be given when credit is due. And I think deserves the credit as long as I have been with them for the past 6 months they have been nothing but great. They out perform them self in a way that none of the other hosting companies have that I have hosted with before. Yes as I can see they are new company but I think thats why they are good. I remember when blue host started they were great and more customer they got the worse the customer service same thing with hostgator. I can only hope they dont change as they get bigger because that is what most of the companies do. Just my two cents.
I guess the same goes for you "adnank1970" - need to post your site URL (or at least send it to moderators for verification). Seems a little coincidental that both posts on this topic recommending LBhosting are from people with only 1 post.

Also, in the testimonials section of "lbhosting" they have a testimonial submitted for the website ""

When I did some looking around, Miafly is using the nameservers for "" and the IPs for that site trace back to SoftLayer, while the IPs for "lbhosting" trace back to Server Central (Chicago).

Looking forward to how this plays out. Maybe someone from LBHosting can respond too.
I wanted to respond to a comment made by handsonhosting. My name is Michael Reed I am a Admin Manager at lbhosting, one of our customer pointed out a thread on this forum. Apparently his account has been blocked since. Now I am not the type that would respond to threads like this as we dont seek exposure from forums especially ones that actually make money advertising hosting companies and their affiliate relationship. Not saying that this is one of those forums just speaking in general. I didn't even know a thread about our company exists here and now I see it has been here for quite some time. Any way I like to get to the point and address some of the comments made.

First and foremost in defense of our customers who we really only care for, and not about forums on the internet. Please dont post how great lbhosting is on forums if you like to help us recommend us to your friends or your account on the forums such is this one will get disabled as it seems. Because by reading the previous thread your very first thread can not be how good a hosting company is why? Because people aren't used to that, why dont we trash the company first and than we see how they respond thats corporate america for you.

Enough of that. Yes we are new company fairly new but at least our company did not start with a reseller account at hostgator like most of the hosting companies did, instead we invested money on dedicated servers and top notch customer service. Yes it does cost more but we had a customer base to start with and trust me if you host with us your are happy camper no questions asked.

Now I want to respond to handsonhosting remarks about our servers IP and our testimonials on our page. I mean really Conor you have a hosting company to run right? Any way you can do what ever you like with your free time I play on my iPad or iPhone but you do what works for you. And yes 35 year old can still play on his iPad. Yes our IP is coming out of Chicago NOW but what you failed to notice that we have been hosting with softlayer for the past year and still own servers there. We made a move to a better more reliable servers. Our IP for softlayer used to be which you can check at And view the results. this is why is coming back at softlayer. I hoppe that clears that up dont you?

This has been interesting, has it been fun for you reading as it was for me typing.

Have a good one.

Michael Reed.
Thanks for the response, Michael, but reviews need to be verified on web hosting forums because of all the ongoing fraud. Its unfortunate, but that's how it has to be.

I did take note that you didn't respond to Blue's comments and questions, and I'd love to hear your side to that as well.
Hello Michael,

Welcome to HD. I'm thrilled to see that you've made it here to the forums and are helping to set the record straight with regards to your company and how you do business.

Much like everyone else, I'm anxious to hear how you will respond to the plagiarization that has happened on your site on multiple pages. It's quite possible that you hired someone to develop your site and then they stole information from other hosting companies and handed it in as their own, but a response to such should be made.

It's interesting that you chose to respond to my particular postings but not others, so hopefully you'll come join us again and fill us in on the details.

As far as having times on my hands - I do get quite a bit of time to myself, but after 15 years running the business I'm somewhat entitled to it. At least I feel I am anyway. My "free time" is usually spent on forums, sometimes playing golf, and rarely watching TV.

As far as users being banned, that's not my control, so I'll leave that to someone else. It is always nice to see reviews on a website (good and bad) but when it's the first post of someone, and then out of the blue another first post from another person about a company that had never been mentioned before, it's a little suspicious don't you think? So the right steps were then taken, and people asked who they were, were they affiliated and what is/was their hosting account with your company and for how long. Hopefully you can see that the steps taken care no different than "fraud screening" that you probably run on your hosting orders with your own company.

I congratulate you on starting a hosting business and going full steam ahead with dedicated servers and the like (rather than a reseller situation). That's a big risk, and I hope that it's panning out for you. MOST people start in the reselling end of things and then graduate when they have enough clientele, but congratulations to you to be able to skip that part and jump head first. Hopefully as a result you're seeing the rewards sooner rather than later.

As for customers posting rave reviews - that's a good thing, and we WANT to hear about that - but when it's the first posting and no verifiable information, it's hard to take such a post at face value. This is the nature of web hosting forums throughout the internet.

Again, welcome to the forums. I'd love to hear more about your company and what you did differently, and of course the response to the plagiarization on multiple pages within your site. Please do come back and post a followup thread.
Hello Michael,

Welcome to HD. I'm thrilled to see that you've made it here to the forums and are helping to set the record straight with regards to your company and how you do business.

Much like everyone else, I'm anxious to hear how you will respond to the plagiarization that has happened on your site on multiple pages. It's quite possible that you hired someone to develop your site and then they stole information from other hosting companies and handed it in as their own, but a response to such should be made.

It's interesting that you chose to respond to my particular postings but not others, so hopefully you'll come join us again and fill us in on the details.

As far as having times on my hands - I do get quite a bit of time to myself, but after 15 years running the business I'm somewhat entitled to it. At least I feel I am anyway. My "free time" is usually spent on forums, sometimes playing golf, and rarely watching TV.

As far as users being banned, that's not my control, so I'll leave that to someone else. It is always nice to see reviews on a website (good and bad) but when it's the first post of someone, and then out of the blue another first post from another person about a company that had never been mentioned before, it's a little suspicious don't you think? So the right steps were then taken, and people asked who they were, were they affiliated and what is/was their hosting account with your company and for how long. Hopefully you can see that the steps taken care no different than "fraud screening" that you probably run on your hosting orders with your own company.

I congratulate you on starting a hosting business and going full steam ahead with dedicated servers and the like (rather than a reseller situation). That's a big risk, and I hope that it's panning out for you. MOST people start in the reselling end of things and then graduate when they have enough clientele, but congratulations to you to be able to skip that part and jump head first. Hopefully as a result you're seeing the rewards sooner rather than later.

As for customers posting rave reviews - that's a good thing, and we WANT to hear about that - but when it's the first posting and no verifiable information, it's hard to take such a post at face value. This is the nature of web hosting forums throughout the internet.

Again, welcome to the forums. I'd love to hear more about your company and what you did differently, and of course the response to the plagiarization on multiple pages within your site. Please do come back and post a followup thread.

I am glad that you are thrilled about me coming to HD. I dont know if I can say the same for me, as you recall I only joined because lbhosting is being attacked for no reason. Or should I say lbhosting's customers. I wish I joined this forum before and shared with everybody else how great company lbhosting is. But like I said before we dont do that in this case however we wish we did because if our name needs to be on a forum it should be about how good of a company we are. I hate to see comments made by someone who has never had any experience with a company and just start blabbering about something they dont know anything about. Dont you hate that? Its like me saying oh those people at wall mart they are so rude, and yet I never shop there. I dont comment on a company or product based on someone else's experience.

Now lets address blue who ever that is, plagiarizing? What exactly are we plagiarizing? I went trough the links he was talking about. Have any of you clicked on them to actually see what is being plagiarized or you just simply saying address his post because I dont see anything out of line well I do see one thing however information on our site would be similar to some on the softlayers. Well why wouldn't be I mean we host with softlayer at one point all of our servers were with softlayer. And if softlayer have 10 security personel guarding their building we cant say they have 15 so would you rather a hosting company lie than tell truth, BTW I am just giving examples. And if the data center is in Texas we can't say its in sunny Miami right it is where it is. There is no way around that.

Now talking about Bluehost and Hostgator comparison to LBHosting. No we have not plagiarized their text at all. I mean look at the info first. Now, if you think that we are plagiarizing because we offer unlimited bandwidth and block child pornography or gambling on our server than yes I guess we are plagiarizing. But just because one company offers something it doesn't meen the other cant. And now if you talking about how we word it I mean common who cares. Would you rather us spend money on writers and worthless marketing techniques or spend that money on a service that you will enjoy I bet you take the second. Right?

Here is the bottom line there are millions of hosting companies out there and they all fight for customers use different techniques and fill they signatures on each forum with their Web hosting websites but trust me all that is just a fraction of what you can achieve by just providing good service. However it helps if you on first page on google. But Are we about to spend hundreds of thousand of dollars to get there NO But One happy customer will bring ten customers and this is in every business.

Now a little marketing on my own or I shouldn't there I am talking about how we dont do this and yet I am about to do it. Ok I will do it it took me a minute before I decided to post this trust me. We joined forces and earned exclusive rights starting May 1st with which is a leading joomla template provider. We will now provide all joomla templates and extensions for free with any of our hosting plans. So there it is.

As for the customer that posted a positive feedback I am not sure who the first one is as I dont recognize the name. But as for adnan yes he is one of our customers and no I can not disclose his website he is welcome to do it him self if he likes I understand his account is blocked on this forum which is fine by me. So there for he might not be able to post his website which is probably the reason he didn't.

I have to run now its been a pleasure once more.
I dont have the time to proof read this so if there is any mistakes on my part sorry.

Conor, wow...I notice you own anyone that comes at HD or you lol Anyways, I myself am curious to see a response from you on the plagiarism that is on your site. Also, HD needs all the ads to keep it's self up and running. So don't think this is an affiliate based forum. HD is a respectable forum with respectable users and staff. :)
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Just so you know what Plagerizim is;

- to take without referencing fomr someone else's writing or speach; of intellectual property
plagiarist - someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own
plagiarized - plagiaristic: copied and passed off as your own; "used plagiarized data in his thesis"; "a work dotted with plagiarized phrases"

(taken from the definition dictionary through google)

See also Wiktionary -

When you copy (word for word) someone elses work, that is plagiarism. Yes, THOUSANDS of web hosts have taken the creative work of other hosts, but it is not legal (under most circumstances). That little copyright notice that people put on the bottom of their pages is there for a reason. Even YOUR website has it - so does that mean we can take all the text on your site and post it on one of ours given that you've already written it anyway, no point in re-writing it.

It's not the FACTS that need to be rewritten. It's the phrasing of such facts - or in your site's case the coping of multiple paragraphs (or entire pages).

I'm sorry if you feel that I'm picking on you - that's not the case. I'm merely trying to point you toward the legality of the information that you're using on your site. When people take other peoples intellectual property, that is a violation of the DMCA and you can quickly find yourself shutdown by your hosting company (or in your case Data Center). While your site may have flown beneath the radar for now, it's only a matter of time before Softlayer catches up to your site and issues a DMCA to google and others where you'll find your site delisted or sandboxed.
Looks like you didn't read my post in its entirely I know what plagiarism is However I dont see what or where we copied anything on our site is it me or is it that we are basing all this on one post stating that we are plagiarizing but yet when you compare the sites there isn't really anything to grab on why? Because I will say it once more There is no plagiarism on LBhosting its just other hosting hating on each other I understand its a jungle out there. But anybody in their wright mind will realize whats really going on I am not here to argue with anybody I appreciate everybody opinion and respect everyone point of view. And by posting this I think this would be as much as I can discuss on this post and are not willing to continue with this conversation few people were looking for a response out of respect to an internet community I responded. Thats that. This forum is great keep up the good work.:D
Here's a few pages to REVIEW - all that written in pink is a direct comparison of other sites where your text on your site is copied from them;

Granted there are likely cases where YOUR site has been copied to other places - in which place you might want to file a DMCA complaint;

Simple way to check if your site has been copied, or if you have copied from somewhere else - They'll list the number of words that are the same etc on there too.
Oh, and congrats on the "" team-up. That's a nice niche market to hit. Have you launched with them yet or is it still in the works?
Well I said it before I say it again simple facts can not be copied especially in hosting business where everybody offers almost the identical thing the guy next to you is. So for me to look on the internet if someone has copied anything of our site would take a long time. I would love to have people copying stuff of off our site you know what thats means Traffic=$$$$$$ We are not that popular to have our text and ideas stolen but I sure hoppe is coming soon enough. LOL. And yes we have started youjoomla templates deal already and giving out free joomla templates theres just not any advertisement the campaign starts May 1st. So looking forward to that.
Michael, would you please respond to Blue's concerns about LBHosting offering unlimited disk space and bandwidth?
Actually, you seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding of what plagerism is.
Those pages I linked to show you copied your content word for word.
That is exactly what plagerism is regardless of whether or not you offer a similar service.

Also when you copy and paste certain information you are misrepresenting yourself and your company.

We require that the networking and security teams working in our data centers be certified. We also require that they be thoroughly experienced in managing and monitoring enterprise level networks.
Our Certified Network Technicians are trained to the highest industry standards.

By making this type of statement you are trying to deceive the potential client into thinking you are a bigger operation than you actually are.