Known fraud man


New member
Over the years we have had bad signups before, who hasn't? I was a little shocked though to find my first charge-back for a client who had been with us for over two years. Seemed he wanted to get everything for free so he went to issue a charge-back for the past 15 months. Oh the fun of dealing with charge-back. Anyone have a fun story to tell that hopefully keeps me laughing instead of crying at this point (with the insane amount of paperwork I am dealing with this morning)?
How does one do a chargeback for a transaction that happened more than 6 months ago? I thought 6 months back was the maximum?
This is why you keep detailed records, and have an ironclad TOS. Unfortunately they have an out by claiming the card not present when they claim it against a credit card. TOS should state no refunds for past months of service or something similar. Legitimate customers will not blink at that if they read it, but scammers who do read it might go elsewhere.

Good luck. I hope it was not for a dedi.
I really wish there was a place that web hosts could post the IP addresses, email addresses used, names used, etc of known scammers to help protect the rest of us.
TOS should state no refunds for past months of service or something similar.

This means nothing in the eyes of law. you can write anything you like in your TOS, but the law will always over ride these.

the bext thing to do with your TOS before making them live is to have these checked over by a professional organisation like in the UK we have Tranding Standards.

We had ours checked to make sure they comply with current legislation and even now if any legislation changes they contact us if we need to make any changes to our TOS.
This however this does not mean that these are safe under law
The earlier was that long ago and it shocked me too, go figure with my username. I tell you its been non-stop insanity. I can not think of how many trees were killed in the good name to protect our services (all which were rendered). The guy was almost a monthly client but skipped a few here/there. It took three weeks to resolve but we won. I did a happy dance at my desk when I got the news too.
I didn't know they could actually suceed when it was more than 6 months. Thanks for the link to fraudrecord. Thats the first time I've heard of such a thing. And lol so sorry buddy, I don't have a funny story to tell, but I do hope things get better!
I didn't know they could actually suceed when it was more than 6 months. Thanks for the link to fraudrecord. Thats the first time I've heard of such a thing. And lol so sorry buddy, I don't have a funny story to tell, but I do hope things get better!

what happens is the same as when your write your TOS.

you can write whatever you want, just like some banks etc. will write things in their conditions that will work in their favour, but if this differs from LAw then the LAw will alsway over ride anything written.
A web designer buddy of mine had a chargeback issued 9 months after the date of the charge. They disputed the entire things (almost $37,000). The dispute was somewhere along the lines of "unsatisfied with the product/service". After a couple of weeks of arbitration, Visa sided with the client.

Here's the bad stuff;
1) They are STILL using the design created - now 3 years later
2) Web designer had signed contract, milestone contract signatures, and a final receipt signature saying they were happy with the product
3) There were several other designers ripped off by the same person. Each provided details of their transactions & stories

Client STILL won and Visa sided with them :(

Contacts are something that everyone can get out of. It really doesn't take much.
A web designer buddy of mine had a chargeback issued 9 months after the date of the charge. They disputed the entire things (almost $37,000). The dispute was somewhere along the lines of "unsatisfied with the product/service". After a couple of weeks of arbitration, Visa sided with the client.

Here's the bad stuff;
1) They are STILL using the design created - now 3 years later
2) Web designer had signed contract, milestone contract signatures, and a final receipt signature saying they were happy with the product
3) There were several other designers ripped off by the same person. Each provided details of their transactions & stories

Client STILL won and Visa sided with them :(

Contacts are something that everyone can get out of. It really doesn't take much.

$37000? If someone scammed me with $37000 i would find him and sell his kidneys :)
Unfortuantely, if you check your contracts with the various payment providers, MOST of them have a clause regarding Arbitration. Their decisions are just like a court decision. The thought process by the designer was that it was an open and shut case with all sorts of documentation, but Visa didn't even look at most of it and still favored the client. :(
Just installed fraud record and spent a good hour submitting all my fraud clients into the database. I hope it helps others.