How should Banner Advertising be priced?


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Hello all,

I have been running a website for a while now, and it has grown to be quite the popular place. With over 20,000 unique visitors per month, and well over 6 million hits per month, it is turning into a great place where members return for discussion and news on a regular basis.

It seems like the ideal place for a company to place banner advertisements to increase traffic and notoriety for the website, product, or service.

With the kind of traffic the website receives, what prices should I quote banner advertising space at? Furthermore, what kind of advertising should I allow; impressions, clicks, or monthly packages?

Thanks for the help, and regards,

My advice to you is to visit the websites of your competition and inquire about their rate cards on advertising. This will give you great base and range of rates to base your own pricing on. However, you should take into consideration how valuable the information is, how loyal the user to your web site is, how much advertising you actually display, how long does a user stay on your web site, etc. This all adds up to valuation.

As far as which ad formats to offer, my answer is - offer as much as you can. Being flexible with formats will draw more potential clients.


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