How often to submit a site

Never. There is no need to submit your site to search engines. Your site will get picked up by search engines by following links to your site. Because you have your site in your signature, it will make it to search engines once they crawl HostingDiscussion
From what I read, your search engine ranking is based on having a number of high quality (sites that are high in the search engine rankings) link to your site. I would recommend taking a look at the following website:

Also, it appears that your website is currently listed in Google, but it is only partially indexed. And, for that I would recommend checking out Google's page for webmasters, which can be found at
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How often should I submit my site to search engines?
If you really want to submit, submit once, manually to the 5-10 relatively known search engines out there. That's it. Repeated submission will not lead to your site being ranked higher in the search engine results. can also be of help.
If you are going for some high level marketing I will say you should surely go for search engg. submit , say every month ,have really seen the effect if you use this change to the best and offer good plan & service you will gorw a lot.

This helps to a large extent.. try once and see...that would be better that anyonce advice I guess ;)
If you are going for some high level marketing I will say you should surely go for search engg. submit , say every month
Based on what I read from professional SEOs, I strongly disagree.
From what I've been reading up on lately, the best way for a search engine to find your site is naturally through links on other sites. The best way for a search engine to ignore you is for you to submit your site multiple times over a short period of time.

It may not get you lightning fast results, but get other sites to place text links linked to your site on relevant pages. Relevant meaning, hosting or webmaster related sites. When an indexed site gets crawled again for changes by the search engine, it will find the link to your site and start crawling it. This may not happen right away, but it will eventually happen.

It's my understanding that multiple submissions through whatever search engines /addurl page, or even using scripts could get you de-listed on the search engines due to submission spamming. I don't know how true that is, but would you want to risk all the work you've done to your site for search engine placement go bye bye because of that?
Sounds like things have changed in the search engine world in the 8 years since my website first went online.

Back then ... they suggested submitting your site no more than once a month ... and they only scanned meta tags.

Now depending on who you talk to ... they say you do not need to submit that the sites are scanned automatically. That they use a sites robot.txt instead of the meta tags ... and others say the search engines scan each page and build their databases on what their spiders send back.

My own experience ... depending on the search engine ... each one scans the site differently and Google seems to be the most effective. But I use meta tags, robot.txt and language in the first part of every page to make sure there can be no confusion of what each page is about. I figure that covers all the bases.

My suggestion ... if your site is real new then yes submit it to the search engines. If your site is established then chances are you are already in the loop for regular scans by the search engines. Read the tips & tricks on the various sites on how to improve your ranking in searches ... and implement them. And be patient.

I don't think I ever submitted my site to a search engine ... but I get 4000 to 6000 unique visitors each month. Not bad for a personal site :)

Take care
There are a lot of free and cheap search engine submission services out there. Do NOT use them. Sure, there are a few valid ones and it can be argued that they work, but as a general rule of thumb that is NOT the way to go. Many of them use "sneaky" tactics to submit your page to search engines and sometimes this can result in getting you banned.

Link to your site on forums like Hosting Discussion and other places you frequent, the search engines will pick you up.

Doesn't seem to be happening fast enough? Get someone to link to you from a blog.. maybe get an interview with someone ;). There are all sorts of things you can do.

Once your listed in one, the others pick up pretty fast.
Sorry, but that's not how it works. Each (true) search engine independently crawls the web. They do not influence each other as you suggested.

Meta search engines are a whole other issue.
if its a new site and you want to get a crawled quicker then submit it manually, otherwise the search engine is smart enough to find you ;)

- Eddy
WireNine said:
Apparently google is very slow, they have not updated our site listing for over 6 months now!
There's definitely something wrong there.

We have updates to our google listings now within 48 hours.

Regarding the original question:
I'd advise using - ever since we started using their submit and analysis service, our search engine traffic has gone through the roof, aswell as our placement.

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