"Outsourcing" is still a bad word in this business but that trend slowly and surely changes for the better. One still associates it with poor quality when that is not necessarily the same - here is where the CEO's should realize they are also an active part of this process.
For starter companies this is still considered to be a great way of cutting costs but don't fall into the trap into thinking its a self-governed service. It's best to invest a little more for starters but to be sure you've chosen the right company for your outsourcing. Ask around a little, compare opinions, in short - do your homework, it can only do you good :magnify:
You cannot expect to pay only a couple of bucks and not get 6 monkeys in a cage, sharing an Atari computer :crash:
Once having the right partner you have to be actively involved with the training and monitoring of the employees. Have them trained about your company values too, provide them with nice side perks and bonuses and soon you should see results. Send some of your senior staff for training purposes, even visit them yourself, let them put some faces to their employer names, it will work wonders in their team spirit.
Personally we don't use outsourcing services, simply because we have enough bright, young minds at our disposal and in our area, but globally speaking I see a big development in this business and will be interested to see how it evolves in the next few years.