Hosting customers perspective

As per client's perspective, Support is very much important. Clients need
* quick and effective support level for their hosting services
* Full Root access so that they can control the VPS and Customize accordingly.
* 99.99% uptime
* Affordable price.
We follow this very strictly too.

Albeit vigorously promoting your brand just ensure that every single client you get however small enjoys working with you. Yes some will go despite giving them good service BUT they will say good things and gradually you will grow the numbers.
In regards to customer perspective, I believe I have a unique perspective. As an IT professional for the last 20 years I probably have more face-to-face relationships with customers than maybe all the hosts here combined. Tickets and chats (and projecting your own imagination on customer) can't replace real conversations when you want to know what the customer is really thinking or determining their exact needs.

I agree with you.

Thanks for the input on customers face-to-face relationships.
i used to have face to face with local clients on a regular basis, but you are talking on average 2 hrs, so that's 2 hrs you are not available to help other clients.
No support is through livechat or ticket system. Yes if a local client has issues and they are unable to follow my instructions then i will go do a face to face support session with them, but i will charge them for my time

Looks like i need to concentrate on this aspect.

Thank you very much
I think that the main concern is a service quality and this includes support, reputation, security, reliability and bunch of qualities that make you the best choice for your particular customer.
Lately we are asked a lot more questions about security Most businesses are very concerned about it along with prompt support.
It depends mainly on the reputation of the company. If we check google, we can get reviews of the company. We can also find how many servers they have. How they handle support and live chat.