Hosting as a full time job

I agree with everyone else, it really should be treated as a full time job, a lot of people try to pass it on as a part time thing. You actually have to put in a lot of hard work and it takes a lot of resources to run it properly. Sure you could do it part time, however it probably wont be very good.
Webhosting is very dynamic field. For good webhosting provider you will have to deal with various tasks simultaneously like server management,implement new technologies, improvement on customer service and many more.
All these things can not be achieved by doing part time business.
For me its my second job but I am okay with that since I like to stay busy. I wonder how many people think that hosting is just a part time gig for some people. I know tons of people that work more hours than most do in a 40hr/week job.
It is full time job that there are many work to monitoring servers and solve problem
as soon as possible so they know there are more competition on this field if they don't provide good services than their clients switch to other hosting companies