HelpDesk CMS: what is the best?


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i have a little web agency and client send me a lot of email :crash:
and i discover helpdesk support.
But my clients not appriciates :crash::crash::crash:

I know osticket but i'm testing hesk, both are open source but no one at moment work good pipelines...

I'm resolving...

and you what you use?
You can use WHMCS for whatever you want. No need to be only hosting products. We don't use WHMCS, we prefer Blesta, however we have clients from our design company, that don't host with us, and we keep using this ticket system almost in a daily basis for discussing several questions, or open tickets for support not related with hosting :)
What kind of services does your web agency provide? I;d suggest you to search for a customer relationship management system, based on your activity field and operations.
my client problem is go on site and openticket,they prefer send a simple mail

A lot of helpdesk systems allow piping. Meaning you set the email (a forwarder) up to pipe to a file or folder.
WHMCS example: /home/path/to/whmcs/crons/pipe.php
my client problem is go on site and openticket,they prefer send a simple mail

If your client prefers email for support, take a look at HelpScout. I've been using them for years for one of my companies that provides support only via email.

They have a widget to add a support form to any website. is also an option that you can consider. It is free and has option of live chat / ticket system along with email piping. If you need unbranded version (without powered by line), it is available at $15/m additional.
I think Kayako would be the best for you. Kayako deliver easily scalable client support.

Oh man, I can't even begin to say how much this made me laugh.
Kayako is not 'the best for' anyone. Seriously, it's not. They're overhyped, overpriced, underdelivered garbage any more

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