help for server config for hosting youtube kind of site


New member
hi ,
i am hosting a you tube kind of site on LAN for about 300 users max. using the site simultaneously.maximum streaming rate is 200kBps/user. hosted data will be about 6tB.
users wont be uploading videos .

i need help for deciding server configuration .what should be processor,RAM, motherboard,NIC,also which type of harddrive i go for assuming all data will be accessed equally.
are there any softwares which can help in this regard .

also if i want to host dedicated gaming servers also should i buy another server or this single server can handle that.

any help will be appreciated and what i buy will depend mostly on your replys:help:
i am planing to use windows server 2008 enterprise .
i mean hardware requirements for the server on which site will be hosted
Surely you must have a local vendor in your city that you can get this equipment from? I'm sure most vendors would gladly assist you since you need to get the more expensive stuff.

I would think you need the best you can get, I'm not sure here if we are talking about 300 concurrent users, because that is 60MB/s and you would need dual gigabit nics and gigabit switches throughout the main part of your network.

Talking about hardware, you would go for the best. The best motherboard, maybe xeon quadcore processors but those are really pricy when going for 2,5-3ghz. 8 Gigs of RAM. For storage, you would need a SAN for those amounts, but it would be nearly impossible to get anything else than SATA, expecially if you want to do use Raid 1, you will need 6 x 2TB drives. You should consider getting a good HP Proliant or Dell Poweredge.

Good luck to you :)
You would need a pretty powerful server. Dual Xeon's and plenty of RAM (8 or more). The issue here is bandwidth. Streaming video eats it like candy.
the both things that you have to think is ram and bandwidth , you should rent a leased line Internet connection for this purpose.

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