Heavy Spam


Dear HD Members,
How do you deal with heavy loads of spam?
Blacklisting IP addresses does not work, they spin up new ones a few minutes later.
The same goes for email addresses.
I get about 1,000 spam tickets on a daily.
Any help appreciated, thank you :)
Hey mate try to use Implement an Anti-Spam Firewall like cloudflare or something similar also you can try emailfiltering like Greylisting

If it all and next tips from another HD members wont help try to pray :D
When you say "spam tickets" are they submitting a form? If so, you'll want to implement a captcha system of sorts - Google Recaptcha is amazing at stopping stuff.

If you're piping emails into your helpdesk ticket system, then there's several things you can do from email lookups to IP checks to detecting keywords before the form is submitted.

If forms are coming from country you do not work with, block the country. While they can still use Proxy Servers, it does take care of quite a bit.

We used to have a filter that would trace the IP that was submitting and if it traced back to a regular datacenter rather than a residential/business internet provider, then it would block it out. We had a list of various datacenters that were known spam havens.

You may also want to put in some ratelimiting stuff to stop multiple submits.

As @Mivocloud suggested, adding in Cloudflare can be of help too as they do quite a bit of the heavy lifting when it comes to checking IPs based on what other users have submitted as issues.