Google Algorithm?


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I've been out of the marketing for a year or so and I'm slowly starting to pick up where I left off. But now I'm more interested are there some crucial changes I should be aware of, in a nutshell?
Yes, lots of changes in the past 2 years. And actually some new changes that just came out this week.

Here's the run down;
Google is smarter than you, don't try to trick the engine.
Don't spam your content
Don't spin articles
Don't hire a non-english speaking person to write your articles
Don't over-optimize your content (keyword stuffing, high keyword density)
Don't purchase links on Linkvana, BMR or similar sites

DO write ORIGINAL informative content
DO write meta tags for title, keyword & description that relate to the article
DO encourage comments & engage the visitor
DO post on Twitter & Facebook
DO play by the rules Google & Bing have set forward

That's the majority in a nut shell. The people that complain about the Panda Updates, Over Optimization Penalty, Link Farm Penalty and purchased links no longer working - they're all people that broke the Google Guidelines. I have no sympathy for them.
Just to add a few things:

- Pageload time now plays a part (to which extent no one knows) in Google's algorithm (confirmed now but likely has been a part for a long time)

- Links on social networking sites even though in most cases are nofollow have been confirmed to play a part.

- Worth adding a Google + share button on your website. I'm sure that (shares) will play a big part in the future.


handsonhosting I like your point about over optimization. Personally I hate it when I read people mentioning keyword density :D

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Keyword Density, but I do pay attention to it on longer articles sometimes. When I see the word "hosting" getting 12% density I know there's something wrong with how I wrote things. It should be 3% or lower.

Easy math.. if you have a 300 word article and you mention "hosting" 30 times - you're spamming, that's a 10% KWD. Mention it less than 10 times and you MIGHT be ok.
Wow, I've been off for quite some time. All stuff that I've used is pretty useless now. :D Jokes aside but a lot of things changed since then. Thank you guys so much!

It's really hard. you have to follow googles rules.

You can try to check if your site is SEO friendly initially.

But of course content is king, you should have your own contents, don't just copy/paste. Or atleast give it in your own wordings / sentece.

Then concentrate more in facebook/twitter and participating in different forums / sites to get clients and help other.

It's really hard work! :)

SEO techniques are constantly evolving, that is a proven fact. Even a short break can cause huge gap in your current knowledge, I see that now.
I believe that Search engine has same motto as it was previous. They still want to out best result and they trying to kick low quality website below in search engine result. Now Google has come up with Panda, Penguin even page layout algorithm so it’s not easy to make a website popular if site is not really have quality
Understandably we all want our websites to rank well in a seach top 3 ideally but 1st page at worst.

Of course this should come second to content and usability, From an article i read a few months back, creating a site primarily for the seach engines will hurt your websites usability.

I will back this up with reference to the article when i find it again it was quite an interesting read, although im not huge on SEO at all, i simply consider that if im doing anything at all to help a search engine then they should be thankful, my concerns are for my visitors liking and visiting my site :)

A search engine really should not need us to plug our sites with keywords, the have the capability of figuring out what a page is all about, the main concern, say for blogging, keep on topic and keep it engaging. this goes for any website though.
I don't think we're "tipping" Google by adding a Google + button on our websites (although I might reconsider this position if it worths from customers' perspective). What one basically should do is to develop the website in way that Google does not exsist. The more visitors come, most of them targeted visitors who appreciate the site content, means that people appreciate the website. This is enough!
I have to say one thing on your response, forget about tipping anything on this score, Social sharing is the new Google, thats why Google brought out plus to try and take on Facebook & Twitter because an increasing amount of site visits now seem to come through the social networks, so placing Facebook, Twitter and Google+ sharing plugins is a must for any serious website, that is where the people are spending there internet time so it makes sense thats where you want your website to show up the most.

Of course there are those that will continue to use search engines, but look at it this way, If their friends are posting about your excellent products, When they see your website on the search who are they going to click? An unknown entity or You who their friends have already endorsed by sharing?

The main thing i guess here is only having the sharing links on pages you want to be shared. this way you can at least have some control over what if anything at all gets shared.

(sorry if i seem a little off.. long day today and its only 11.45)

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