Fiber Elephant, what do you think?


New member
Although it's been up for quite a while, I negated to post anything here for feedback, so here it is..

The entire thing is WHMCS. Everything is 100% dynamic and populated from the database, so I can easily update the site without having to edit the template files.

It currently includes 6 custom modules all developed by me:

1. Addon manager. This allows us to categorize addons to basically use them as configurable options, and display them on the site. On the product order page you'll see options for Memory, Disk Space, Bandwidth, & Ips. These are all addons.

2. Virtuozzo/Product Specs. This will allow us to not only provision VPS automatically, but also to specify each plans initial resource amounts. This is used to display each plan and their amounts dynamically, while ordering the product, and of course to provision the correct amounts without the need to manually create them in PIM/PMC.

3. Client Testimonials. Still in beta, but lets our customers submit reviews of our service that then are displayed on our about us page.

4. The Blog. Used for press release information and to create custo0m pages like TOS, Privacy, and SLA.

5. Staff Manager. A new one I developed just for FE. It let's me manage and track stats of all my staff. The best feature of this IMO is the ability to track who was the last contact prior to purchase of a service(for bonuses).

6. Promotion manager. Let's me specify messages to go with promotions or text to display on the homepage banner.

Other than that it's just a pretty simple design that I integrated into WHMCS. I'm still working on it, but would appreciate any feedback.
Staff Manager - is that one that you're selling? Do you have a link?

Currently we have people who purchase select the agent that they were dealing with.

Would love a time management script too so I know who is working on what time and who is off :) Right now we use Google Calendar for that.
Staff Manager - is that one that you're selling? Do you have a link?

Currently we have people who purchase select the agent that they were dealing with.

Would love a time management script too so I know who is working on what time and who is off :) Right now we use Google Calendar for that.

Not really selling it as it's not complete and I didn't really plan to contribute it(yet), so it's hard coded just for FE. It will soon also include a feature to work with google voice to set schedules, and forwarding numbers.. :)
I'd suggest you add some sort of transition like a shadowy 3D effect to make the #f8f8f8 wrapper "pop out" more from the #374d52 body background.

Also, on FF 3.5, I see a grayed out horizontal scrollbar. I'd look for a way to get rid of it.
Any time you feel like selling a license to it, please keep me in the loop ok? ;) Sounds really neat, especially the Google Voice options on there too. All our staff have google Voice now too.

When the phone rings here for me, I'm a walking carnival. I have 3 cell phones (different providers), my office and my house line all ringing ;)
I'd suggest you add some sort of transition like a shadowy 3D effect to make the #f8f8f8 wrapper "pop out" more from the #374d52 body background.

Also, on FF 3.5, I see a grayed out horizontal scrollbar. I'd look for a way to get rid of it.

Thanks for the feedback. The scroll bar is there so the page doesn't shift when navigating to pages that do/don't scroll.
really really good.

Only one change I would do, the title:

Fiber Elephant - Virtuozzo & Dedicated Hosting | Virtuozzo Servers


Virtuozzo & Dedicated Hosting - Virtuozzo Servers | Fiber Elephant

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