FB marketing

I've spent around £250 in the past few months with it. Lots of impressions, very few clicks, only one sale I believe (for our cheapest VPS). I don't think it's the best if you're just starting out - local advertising seems to work better.
I've spent around £250 in the past few months with it. Lots of impressions, very few clicks, only one sale I believe (for our cheapest VPS). I don't think it's the best if you're just starting out - local advertising seems to work better.

Likewise here. We saw a lot of clicks but we only had 2 orders for our smallest hosting package with one order being marked as fraud and all from a marketing spend of just over £200.00. Wouldn't personally recommend it. I think FB marketing is more aimed at local businesses to your area etc. FB and Twitter etc though are a great way to stay in contact and engage with your customers.

I've spent around £250 in the past few months with it. Lots of impressions, very few clicks, only one sale I believe (for our cheapest VPS). I don't think it's the best if you're just starting out - local advertising seems to work better.

Yes, if you want to advertise some item, fb boost is bad choice, better these money spend on google adwords.
But now in facebook, you dont get more than 5% organic traffic, for more traffic you have to pay for advertising.. :)
Ive used FB in the past and not got a very good response. as stated above the traffic is eaten up very quickly and doesnt really transfer into sales. better using forums where people are actually looking for hosting rather than targeting 99% of people who arent
I would definitely take advantage of narrowing down the target audience that Facebook has to offer. You can narrow it down by age, location, interest. It is the perfect avenue for targeted marketed since they know everything about you. Even more than Google.
In small and medium business, social media, especially Facebook, helps your business a lot. It's not only get traffic, get engagements, get visitors via viral it also helps you to build your brand awareness, sell your products, your services quickly with cheaper cost. With Facebook, there have many types of advertisement on it and base on your business you want, you can run each ads types belong to it, example: CPC, Boost post, Get like, Get lead, video view,...IMO
It's good to create a page on Facebook to promote your business, but buying their ads it's just waste of money.
Promotion on facebook is just done for clients that are actively seeking your page. If you are looking to find new clients through facebook, try no more because that is a waste of time. Better advertise on google or affiliate ads network. Better ROI in my opinion.
4k clicks and got nothing so paid FB marketing is not good but free FB marketing is good choice.

I use some software which do automation and some of A/C blocked but its okay.
As others have mentioned you can use Facebook to generate organic traffic to your website. I wouldn't recommend Facebook ads, sure it will get you traffic in short time, but most of people who visit your website won't buy your products and most of them won't return. For me, it's better to post daily content on your own page, join hosting related groups, communicated with people. Best thing is it's free and you'll see its effect in a long run.
From my point of view, Facebook marketing is only to generate traffic for blog or news related websites, we've never received clients from Facebook Ad Campaign so don't go for it. Its a waste of money.

Instead go with Google Adwords. Best of luck :)
As others have mentioned you can use Facebook to generate organic traffic to your website. I wouldn't recommend Facebook ads, sure it will get you traffic in short time, but most of people who visit your website won't buy your products and most of them won't return. For me, it's better to post daily content on your own page, join hosting related groups, communicated with people. Best thing is it's free and you'll see its effect in a long run.

I think thats good advice. Its very easy to burn through a lot of money with expensive advertising campaigns!
Facebook marketing is really effective platform. You can creat business page and do posting with quality content, Run your ads facebook provied cheapest ads.
From my point of view, Facebook marketing is only to generate traffic for blog or news related websites, we've never received clients from Facebook Ad Campaign so don't go for it. Its a waste of money.

Instead go with Google Adwords. Best of luck :)

I have to agree with you on this one. Not to good with server hosting. However i have seen alot of companies have success with minecraft hosting.

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