DONT ever use for their free VPS or paid services


Well-known member

I did not need one of their advertises free VPS, but being curious i decided to try for one and got one. I have never used this and while cleaning out my inboxes come across the email with the VPS details on so thought i would see if it was still active.

tried to login, but kept timing out after 24 hrs i managed to get the login page and got

Invalid Username or Password

so tried the reset password and got

The Username You Entered Could Not be Found on Our System

their only support is their forum for the free VPS, so opened an thread and this thread got locked and this was the last reply made by another forum member

I have forwarded your request to an administrator. Also please stop being an idiot by saying "What rubbish". This service is provided FREE OF CHARGE to you, so don't be a ******** about it.

, so sent the thread moderator a PM

as the admins locked the thread i will reply you comment here.

Paid or not paid your should still get a reasonable service, its a public forum and the last time i looked freedom of speech was not a crime.

this is the reply i got back

Okay, first of all, I never asked you to privately message me. You brought this to yourself.

Now to my point, I don't care if you are exercising your freedom of speech and I don't care if its a crime or not. The only thing I am concerned about is that you get a VPS for free, with nothing to do but to signup. You don't even have to post monthly. You can't get good SHARED hosting with nothing to do. Most SHARED hosting providers give decent services when they are post-to-host. But, this, a VPS, is created FOR YOU absolutely FREE OF CHARGE on servers that cost more than $200 per month PER node. Host1Free manages a lot of nodes for FREE users. *The least you could do is be thankful.*

If you are to bring this topic again to ME and to any other mod, I will recommend you for a forum account infraction. Enjoy what you get and stop complaining. If you want decent service, buy from a host. I'm not specifically implying you buy from us to get decent service. Ask anyone else who has been in the hosting industry (mind you I have been in the industry for more than 3 years so I know what I'm talking about), they will tell you the same.

*Oh, and next time, fix your grammar so I can understand you.*

I tried to be polite. One more negative reply from you and I promise I'm going to risk my position here and tell you off.

so if thats a polite reply, whats a bad reply
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their admin replied to the thread that they had locked with

Please provide your username.

which is fair enough, but after the abusive PM from the mode i replied

do you think i will give you this after ABUSE by a moderator in a PM

which i think is fair for the way the mod treated me and this is the admins reply

Yes. Please do not talk to me that way.
You wouldn't want to see me angry.

Additionally, this is a support forum. Please follow our rules and put proper titles into your topics.

anyone can see this for themselves at

so they can abuse me but i cant say i refuse to provide my username to them for being abused.
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seen everything now. their admin sent me a PM

After further checking. Your account does not seem to exist on our database.
Please register again for a new account and send me the email that you used to register.
I will gladly approve your account.

fair enough with that, so went to sign up again and using the sign up button i am directed to

Hosting Registration

Home > Hosting Registration

We would like to notice you that we have received many reports about hacked websites because of infected website owners’ computers. We highly recommend to download and install the Anti-Virus free scanner which helps your computer to stay safe.

and then you have to download Spyhunter before you can continue
This is what they suppose to give you free

10GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Instant Setup
OpenVZ Virtualization
Your topic was not that bad but I can see why they might have an issue with saying Rubbish. I would not have an issue with it on my site but have been on sites that will warn a ban with topics with that type of title. Not sites I like to be on that is for sure.
Your topic was not that bad but I can see why they might have an issue with saying Rubbish. I would not have an issue with it on my site but have been on sites that will warn a ban with topics with that type of title. Not sites I like to be on that is for sure.

A simple, dont use that in a title so we have changed the title (which they have) or even remove the thread, but to be OTT with abuse to a PM statement as

Paid or not paid your should still get a reasonable service, its a public forum and the last time i looked freedom of speech was not a crime.

because this is what the abuse was made against
I do have their free VPS too(the same specs as easyhostmedia). Once had trouble to login to SSH and post a thread at their forum and then its mysteriously got deleted lol without any explaination but since I got its free, it is doesnt matter I just keep trying googling to find the solution.

I believe when we got something free like this we should not expecting a VIP treatment nor a bashfull mouth treatment from the owner :p.

When I try their services, I keep in my mind 'it was FREE' and I did not use it to anything but only for curiosity and testing a lot of thing that I could do. Even when there's a problem, to contact and get the support from them is my last result.

The way you have been treated will does make other thinking twice to use their paid plan. However, I believe both party should be more lenient on this to avoid any bad thing.

Hopefully, their will change for a better in future and also wish a luck to OP.
This thing is really annoying for me too, infact when you want to login into the VPS panel the same thing will happen. Never download it but still could login.

that gave me the correct link to register again

so great, i filled in all the details and then get this error "Only registrations from unique IPs allowed" so passed this back to the admin who has been communicating with me whos reply was "Please register again." so i reply back and told him that what i am trying to do, as so far no reply back.

yes it was only out of curiosity and for testing, would not even upload cPanel DNS only on this VPS and its unstable, which the forum posts on their free plans ( VPS or plain hosting) clearly shows.
A simple, dont use that in a title so we have changed the title (which they have) or even remove the thread, but to be OTT with abuse to a PM statement as

because this is what the abuse was made against
I don't agree with what they did, I can understand it because I have seen it before. They have some very strict staff it seems. Or maybe just rude staff I guess.
I don't agree with what they did, I can understand it because I have seen it before. They have some very strict staff it seems. Or maybe just rude staff I guess.

Judging from the way the mods react at their forum it could be rude+tensed lol but who knows. Just wonder do they have proper customer support experience?
Judging from the way the mods react at their forum it could be rude+tensed lol but who knows. Just wonder do they have proper customer support experience?

basically Mods are usually just normal forum members that have been granted mod status, but if Host1Free had stable servers for their free VPS, free hosting and even paid hosting then their forum would not be full of complaints, so mods would not be tensed.
basically Mods are usually just normal forum members that have been granted mod status, but if Host1Free had stable servers for their free VPS, free hosting and even paid hosting then their forum would not be full of complaints, so mods would not be tensed.

Yups agree with you. Especially when they do advertise for free, and the hype for that will bring a lot of users(from many level). They should be equipped with all knowledge so could entertain the users in a better ways.

Its just seem that they prefer a *silent* customer I think.

As for stable not quite sure, since from my experience using the VPS it is not quite good or reliable.

As for your problem, I think you should try be patient and it might work(that worked out for me as Im waiting around 2 week before been accepted - if you still interested with their product)

However from what I been experience, the VPS is not quite reliable(in terms of downtime) but could be a decent one if optimized properly perhaps.
Do not start fires that you can not put out. Spyhunter makes me laugh a bit but I can understand your frustration. A few tips; you get what you pay for, and that does not mean that as a paid or free client you deserve you be spoken to in that tone. Secondly while you are frustrated you need to understand that many times a mod on a board is not always the owner, nor is it the "person in charge". Set an example when dealing with complaints (if you are giving them or receiving them), be the better person and act like a responsible adult. Neither of the comments should have been made from what I see (both sides of the story).
now when they stated that my details were not on their system, so i needed to re register and send him the email i get so he can activate again, which is fair enough, but when i try to re register and get this "Only registrations from unique IPs allowed" this would tell me that my IP is in their DB, so their system wont let me register again for another free VPS
and then you have to download Spyhunter before you can continue

:smash: xd. NO WAY, would I download any type of file to get a hosting account. It may be safe, but I wouldn't take any chances.

I'd rather pay for a hosting account than take a chance at getting a virus. Believe it or not, I once downloaded some free program years ago that was supposed to remove viruses and it itself was a virus.

Also why would i want to download a free so called AV software, when i spend a small fortune on Internet security software etc. to make sure my PC etc. and servers are all clean and cant get infected.