Does it make a difference?


I have only lost my temper with one person so far and it was a sixteen year old kid who was not even a clietn but he kept demanding to work for us. He wanted to see things and touch things and play with SSH and install things. I finally just told him H e double hockey stick no and told him not to talk to me again.

Presistance does not always gain you a win. :) He wont be much of an effect on the overall out look of BHN though. And, then if he does start throwing fallse statements around he does live in the U.S. so then slander can always shut him up. :)
We've had toll-free service for about 3 months now, and don't get hardly any calls. The majority of calls we receive are staff-to-staff calls, and the occasional 4 AM call to the Abuse department because someone's account is suspended. I have it for those customers that want to call, but I guess everyone is just shy :)

You have done a great thing with having the splash page with the redcross on it. Yes, I do not receive any calls since it has been up. Our staff works via instant messenger so that will not be a thing. We knows maybe I'll have someone who needs me. Other then that it is there to look pretty I guess. :)
BHN now has its official one up. Everyone else help survivors and the redcross by putting one on your website as well. It is important to many.
It makes a difference to certain people. There are many people that would prefer to pick up the phone and talk to a human being when a problem arises. Others are fine with emails or live chat. It's all customer preference.
Well it was cheap enough to implement so I am not worried about pricing. I guess it is one of those value added of being able to talk to me personally. :)