Do you use Black Hat SEO?

No, black hat techniques get penalised by Google, so it is best to avoid it and be clean to maintain ranking and get valuable results.
As a WhiteHat SEO Person that makes 100% of my living from SEO, I wouldn't advise using Blackhat.

That being said, blackhat DOES WORK, and can be quite effective in different niches, especially "short run" type marketing/websites.

Much like SPAM, which we all hate, SPAM *DOES* work in certain niches. If it didn't work, nobody would spend their money doing it.

So, to re-cap. BlackHat does work - but as a WhiteHat SEO Person, I would never advise it to a client. We work with clients for years at a time, and BlackHat can't sustain a longterm relationship.
No, we try to stay away from any black hack SEO techniques. It only leads to more work fixing it later.
No, you should stay away from black hat seo tho it will give result faster than ethical techniques (white hat seo) but it won't stay for longer time.
the result which we get organically stays for more time.

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