Do You Love WordPress?

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As far as my concern, Wordpress is not just a blogging software. We can use Wordpress to create corporate website with content management systems. Plus online e-commerce system website as well.
As far as my concern, Wordpress is not just a blogging software. We can use Wordpress to create corporate website with content management systems. Plus online e-commerce system website as well.

Agreed! I forgot to mention e-commerce sites but WordPress does a gret job with those in most cases too :)
I recently kicked off a campaign promoting WordPress themed sites and training for new businesses, and that's still going strong. The key is that you don't have to be a tech geek to administer your own site.
I recently kicked off a campaign promoting WordPress themed sites and training for new businesses, and that's still going strong. The key is that you don't have to be a tech geek to administer your own site.

Do you have a link to the campaign's online home? I'd like to take a look :)
Wordpress is really a good blogging software. I like it and using it. It is very creative as well and novice user can also use it with ease
You actually need NO php knowledge to creat custom templates for WordPress. There are programs made for that purpose - that make it easy to customize thousands of templates. Then simply upload the template and activate it.

What sort of programs are available? I have some people I'd like to get to look at them. I think they'd benefit from the help. Thanks!
I actually use WP for the large majority of sites as CMS. It's easy to teach new clients how to use, and has tons of plugins :)
Wordpress is great. We're actually in the process of creating an online store based of Wordpress for a client
Word-press is the Best :thumbup: , even the novice can use it with ease, also the plugins available by the wordpress make it very interesting to use it
I tried to use wordpress. could not find very helpful. Even i was not able to set up premium templete.

Actually, I use wordpress alot for my own websites, and had in the past used Joomla, Drupal, and others, and I can say that Wordpress is awesome with all the Plugins, and Widgets. You name it, and its out there.

Also, Not sure if you guys have heard of PODS for Wordpress, but I know one of the developers for it, and it is actually quite amazing. Truly expands the customization "aspect" of wordpress.

PODS is a CMS framework that lest you create, manage and display your own content types. Somewhat similar to Drupal.

Scott Kingsley Clark is the developer I know, and he has truly done some amazing work here.
I'm not really a big fan of WordPress. I usually use Blogger all the time because it allows me to advertise affiliate and hoplinks.
Wordpress is a great engine. With all the development going on around it, plus the plug-ins and such, they really have quite a stack for just about anything.
Do you have a link to the campaign's online home? I'd like to take a look :)
This was being done entirely via direct mail to new businesses in Metro St. Louis, because I was trying to bring clients in-house for training. Sorry for the delay in responding, but I'm not getting email notifications on updated subscriptions here anymore.
Wordpress is a great piece of software, I am a big fan. Super easy to use and customize whether you are using it as a blog or a CMS.

However, there are times when you've got to work with other stuff like Joomla / Drupal.....but WP most of the times.
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