no matter what you do even with photo ID a client can still dispute.
last year we had a client who had even changed his domains nameservers to ours with the information provided.
he disputed with paypal that he never received the item. I provided Paypal with a copy of his signup form, his welcome email, his account setting email, even a screenshot of the whois details showing he changed his nameservers. i also provided paypal with a screenshot of his website using our servers IP showing he was clearing using our services so received them, put paypal demanding i provide them a tracking number showing i posted the item to him. I tols paypal it was webhosting so it is a service and not a tangible item, but as i had no tracking number they found in clients favour
Never should they do that, never.
As long as it is intangible and made very clear to them, they will favour you and have no choice, it is their policy.
Only if it is a chargeback will you always loose.