CloudLinux, do you use it?


New member
I think CloudLinux is one of the most revolutionary pieces of software to have come out in the past few years. I personally find that without CloudLinux, any shared hosting environment would eventually deteriorate due to overcrowding and abusive users. Being able to limit the number of processes, I/O, and memory usage on a per account basis is just amazing.

From a hosting provider's stand point, what do you think of CloudLinux? Do you deploy this on your shared hosting servers and how has it affected the quality and overall performance/reliability of your hosting servers?
CloudLinux is pretty awesome from a providers stand point. A lot easier to manage abuse and things of that nature.
Well that's the $64 million dollar question. When i inquired directly to CL 3 years ago i was told OVZ support was being worked on and should be soon. But as yet nothing

Interesting, did not know it wasn't compatible with OpenVZ. Haven't touched an OpenVZ VPS in a long while
CloudLinux is a great software to limit the resource for each user. But the limit is soft limit. The server may be down due to the ddos for one user even you have limited it. It can mitigate the pain but not effective as the virtualization of vps.
CloudLinux is a great software to limit the resource for each user. But the limit is soft limit. The server may be down due to the ddos for one user even you have limited it. It can mitigate the pain but not effective as the virtualization of vps.

Those are two completely different things. CloudLinux isn't & wasn't designed to mitigate denial of service attacks.
We use Cloudlinux for our shared hosting, it's a really a nice piece of software. It's not only about limits tho, it's also about server security, using CageFS helps alot to protect against hacking.
Only random issues is with LiteSpeed, until litespeed ver5 is out, you may have issues with 508 and 503 errors when a customer reachs set limits.

Really CL is a steal at 10$/m.
I use Cloudlinux at my Open VZ servers

You cant be using it on Open VZ unless Cloudlinux are Liars

CloudLinux is not compatible with OpenVZ and Virtuozzo. VZ doesn't allow customer kernels, and CloudLinux requires its own kernel to operate. This limitation prevents CloudLinux usage inside containers. We are working with Parallels on bringing CloudLinux to VZ customers.

Other virtualizaiton technologies like Xen, VMWare, KVM, Hyper-V, Parallels BareMetal are supported.
We use CloudLinux throughout our shared and reseller hosting.
Looking back, I really don't know how we did without it.

It's ability to not only control, but pinpoint problem users on the system is invaluable.

We've not increased our users per server density (out of choice) but we've increased our uptime and decreased overall time required to answer tickets, giving us more R & D time.

I heard mixed reactions about BetterLinux.
It tries to use all of the resources of the server, which appears to contradict the CloudLinux method of only letting a user have specific resources for a consistent level of performance.

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