Charge a fee to unsuspend?


New member
If you suspend an account, do you charge a fee to unsuspend it?
If your phone line provivder disconnects you, you are normally charged a reconnection fee, roughly $35 depending on who you are with.

Do you have different terms for what you do after you unsuspend an account depending on the initial reason for suspending?
Whats the reason for suspension?

If it is for past due amounts you may wish to require the client to pay for 1 month service + prepay the following month. That way you have 2 months of service paid for.
Our cp requires them to pay the outstanding balance plus the fee for the next month, but we do not tack on any additional fee's beyond that.
I've only had this issue come up once before (thankfully) and even though my TOS does specify a reconnection charge, I spoke to my client, explained the situation, gave them a warning and reconnected them at no charge. I did mention that if it happens again, I would charge them. Hasn't happened again!

I guess what I am saying here is speak to your cilents (if you can) and see what the reasons for it... I take them on a client-by-client basis.

Now, if you have a few hundred/thousand customers than I'd rethink this policy and probably incorporate a system like Vovex & WHW.

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