Centos 7 will reach end of life!

Be aware that Centos 7 will reach end of life very soon!

We've migrated all our cPanel servers away from CentOS 7 to a new supported distro as CentOS Linux 7 will reach end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024.

As Centos 7 becomes EOL software like cPanel will no longer be supported, I received an email yesterday from my old cPanel Server: Your system’s cPanel & WHM version will reach End of Life in 24 days.

We've been running CentOS 7 from the beginning, So a little sad to see it go!

What your experience been with CentOS 7 over the years?
My experience with CentOS 7 has been mostly positive - it has been a reliable and stable operating system for our servers. I will miss it when it reaches end of life.
Hard to believe CentOS 7 went EOL. I still remember doing the CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 migration all those years ago.

I was already normalizing my hypervisor fleet on Debian and I've now done the same for DirectAdmin machines. Going to be 100% Debian which is nice for consistency. I know things have improved with Elevate, etc. but the lift and shift of upgrading CentOS/Alma is a huge drag if you have to do it.
The only problem with AlmaLinux the NIC card adapters are not all included. You will need to flash a USB with the older NIC card adapters. Hence i prefer Ubuntu 18.04 or newer OS, it has all the drivers already ready to go.

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