Business Cards


New member
I'm considering ordering some business cards and was wondering if anyone would be willing to scan a copy of theirs?
I, too, am interested in knowing if any of you have tried using business cards as a form of promotion. We have never explored that possibility of going to businesses and giving business cards and attempting to set up a meeting. Has anyone tried this? Is it successful?
I, too, am interested in knowing if any of you have tried using business cards as a form of promotion.

Business cards are an essential material for promotion. In fact, if it's something a business has not considered, they are far behind in the times.
If you looked at the second part of my question, I was wondering if you had ever used them to go to businesses and drop them off. We have business cards, as should any business, but we didn't know if using them as a marketing strategy in themselves had been tried successfully.
Do you all know about the free biz cards from I think they send you something like 250 biz cards for free when you pay for shipping. Has their URL on the back, but that isn't a biggie. I've done this a few times, and have a huge collection of good quality biz cards. Anyone else used them before?
About one-third of our business is local - within 35 miles of our office. Many of our local customers have brick-and-morter stores. I've bought some attractive holders that are made especially for displaying and distributing business cards and many of our local customers happily allow me to put them on a sales counter in their stores near the checkout.

We also support many local events and we're active in 2 Chambers of Commerce. Before I go to a Chamber meeting or any local event, I make sure I have a good supply of business cards with me to give away.

Try not to cram to much information on your cards. My cards are simple and uncluttered and focus on my company logo and tagline. They are easy and quick to read and remember.

Although we had our cards designed in-house, we've had them professionally printed (using a local printer who bacame one of our customers, by the way). Although it may be tempting to print your cards using your computer printer and card stock you can buy at Office Max, it is best to have your cards professionally printed. People can tell the difference.
Most of our local business is happy to hold on to a few extra business cards to give out to anyone that asks them about there site. Had mine printed at a local print shop so i know its good quality. Havent ordered online.
I have to say if operating locally bussiness cards are a must, As for whats on them i think the simplest ones are the most affective:
Company motto:

Generally, I don't use a lot of business cards because we don't do a lot of business locally. However, I carry some with me most of the time. Mainly for when people ask what I do, what our URL is etc. I can just give them a card.

I did however exchange quite a few business cards at Hosting Con. Came away with all sorts of business cards from Microsoft, Ensim, cPanel, SW-Soft, EV1, The Planet, GNAX etc. Whether I will ever do business with some of these companies is debatable, but it is certainly useful to have the contact details for some of the top people within these organisations.

The best business card (not in terms of design) was the one Robert Marsh from EV1 gave me after chatting with him for about 25 minutes. The card didn't have his name or contact details on it, but details for Isabel Wang, EV1's Director of Communications.

- Chris
I send business cards out in my flyer campaigns. Alot of people keep track of the card more than the flyers, so it has helped out that way.

Check with a local printer to get them printed. We have one around here that prints my cards and lets me leave some at their shop for other customers. Most of them are small business owners as well. So that way I am getting some exposure and the printing company is showing off their work.
I believe business cards are a must with any business local or online. We have design many cards for our regular customers of our design firm. Need any help with just let us know. One of the best ways to advertise your business is going to meetings or events around town with business associates. There are a lot a business parties were the community get together to discuss ways to improve the community and business in that area.
To check at great business cards under corporate identity section:
Template Monster
Both have great samples
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Yes, business cards are a key to success. Our design team carries them around with them at all times, along with me, and the billing department. We always attach a card to anything that leaves the office. It is a great way to drum up business.

Unfortunately, I cannot shrink this image down low enough to attach it to the post. If you would still like to view our business card email me at zach dot mcclung at bizhostingnetwork dot come and I would be more then happy to e-mail you an image of it.
I also get them, as they make great note taking cards. Plus you can leave them some one and have some one just pick it up and read.
AndrewWetzel said:
I also get them, as they make great note taking cards.

I am glad you brought that up. Business cards are one if not the best note taking or quote giving devices on the planet. If you write something on the back of a business card the individual you give it to can pick it up and remember who gave it to them with ease.

My design team asked me if I would like them single or double sided and that was the reason why I left ours single sided.

Its also a wonderful way to pick up women at your local bar. :)
A business card can be the most cost-effective and efficient method of local marketing. Using business cards can be extremely advantageous for bringing in future sales and referrals to your business.

You can find samples of cards or you can design your own card at
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