Bing and Google Webmaster


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Which is more informative webmaster in between Bing Webmaster and Google Webmaster, please share some valuable information ??
They're both extremely informative relative to their brands. Is there anything specific you're looking for?
I would vote for Google webmaster tool. It provides more information and helps to rank my website in Google searches.
Google's been around the block a few dozen tiimes more than Bing. When it comes to standards, they pretty much set them, and that's a good thing. I'd go with what Google says over Bing, honestly.
As they are different brands and other search engines use google and bing. It would be best to use both to submit your sites.
I'm sorry, but why leave anything on the table for your competitors? Google does not own 100% of the market. You really need to embrace every single advantage out there.
Because Google is more used in the area where I live, I choose to go with Google webmasters' tools because it will help in my SEO optimizations BUT Bing almost delivers the same. Both are robust reports that every SEO sensitive developer should use.
Both are useful, but my question is what are you using their webmaster portal for?

If you're using it to see what words you rank for, Google Analytics is a better angle. If you're using it to see where you have broken links, there's better tools. I guess I'd need to know what you're using the webmaster tools area for. Personally, if I'm in the webmaster tools section once a month for a client, that's about it.
Both has its own features and both effects in your Website ranking. Google and bing Webmaster tools will help you to index the website links quick and updates about the site.
Both are useful and excellent for making the most of your SEO strategies and driving traffic to your website, but Google Webmaster tool is more popular.

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