Best Billing Program

humm, said this before on another thread here

but MB all the way, if your starting a hosting business is good to buy the best billing first up front then go back a fix things later.
A lot of people from MB were switching to AWBS because of the lack of communication that existed for a couple of months after a v5 update in early august. This period of silence lasted until about mid-late september.

We decided to stick with MB because we were previously familar with it and it is a great script really. Buggy, yes, but overall it has so many features that can be utilized to run your company efficiently and effectively. I would suggest it to anyone!
I have to say the best client management system is, sure alot of the other programs do the same thing as whmcs but it's speedy and easy to use. I can't speak for anyone else but this is my personal favorite.
I would say Modernbill.

Modernbill is by far the most advanced, it allows you to choose most of the payment gateways, has many more features and supports automatic account creation. Modernbill never slows down like other billing softwares with increase in the size of the database. Clientexec is user friendly, cheaper than modernbill and its support is also good but doesn't support auto account creation.
Just a heads up to folks using WHMAP, v3 is being released. As a licensee, I got mine a few days ago. Looks nice, seems to work decently but has a few bugs that need fixing, especially with the importer. No documentation to speak of yet.

Oh, and there's rumor of a rather large price increase for new licenses. From $149 to $349.
We have decided to change from WHMAP to ClientExec. Even thought version 3 is out. Why? Too complicated, not easy to understand. You have to guess what goes after/before what, not decent design, very unorginized. Personally, we do not like it anymore. We've been using it since almost 2 years. But we have finally decided to change to some other solution like ClientExec.
bear said:
Just a heads up to folks using WHMAP, v3 is being released. As a licensee, I got mine a few days ago. Looks nice, seems to work decently but has a few bugs that need fixing, especially with the importer. No documentation to speak of yet.

Oh, and there's rumor of a rather large price increase for new licenses. From $149 to $349.
Welcome to HD bear! I see you took your time before posting on HD. Better late than never! :)

That price increase (if it is true) is a major one. I think it has good chances to seriously affect their sales, and market share...
Our invoice marks $349.95 even thought we bought it long time ago. So I guess yes, they are increasing their price a LOT. Well, guess some things have to go at a it's time.
Still have a WHMAP License but converted to Modern Bill a year ago. There were some things that MB did at the time that WHMAP didn't do. I plan on using WHMAP on a small project to try it out. Hands down the support award goes to WHMAP, way quicker than MB.
I was looking forward to v3 until I found out they eliminated recurring billing with 2co.

I won't be upgrading until they put this feature back in.
ldcdc said:
Welcome to HD bear! I see you took your time before posting on HD. Better late than never! :)
Thanks, Dan. Embarrasingly enough..I kind of forgot I had an account here.
I'm using ModernBill with Kayako v2 intergrated. I run the billing on the 1st of each mth, and new accounts that come in after the 22nd of the mth, pay the remaining 8 days plus the next mth, and get billed the following month. If a new client signs up before the 22nd of the mth, they pay the remaining days til the end of the mth, and then on the 1st of the next mth, they pay their normal charge.

I own the copy of ModernBill. It was only a few hundred dollars (I think $300.00) and it's better for me owning the software, rather than paying for it by the mth.

Something that I did do a little differently, was the order links go straight to that plan and payment cycle's page. There's 2 steps my order process skips, by linking directly, with that plan and payment cycle's variables in the url. I think this looks neater, and the less steps in the order process the better, imo.

I'm more than satisified with MB. The monthly batches run smooth as silk, and the incoming new accounts work fine. I used to run anniversery billing, but that was back with httpme, and when I was using as the recurring processing etc. Now I have MB + Gateway + St George Merchant account.

I probably only use a small portion of what MB can do, but I take from it what I need, and what works best for me. :)
We use ModernBill for one of our brands, clientexec for another, and lpanel on another.

We don't actively use WHM Autopilot (we have it on a test box), but we have many resellers who do...

Out of all of them, I think ModernBill "wins".. although it is the most complex. Clientexec is easiest for the end-user/customer, and lpanel is.... well.... really not something we like very much. (Doesn't allow multiple domains under one billing account, and their support is horrible.)

AutoPilot (v2) is pretty good. Nice and simple. I'm a bit disappointed with the latest release (v3), bit I suspect that over the next 6 months or so it will slowly get better as the company behind it sorts itself out and eventually publishes some documentation for their API and lets 3rd party developers add functionality that is needed. (like a domain registration/mgmt module)

I'm pretty confident that modernbill will stay as the "leader" in the pack, with their v5 release. The company is well established, has a solid business plan, and the roadmap they have publicly laid out is excellent. I also think that Michael's active participation in the MB forum community is a harbinger of good things. It's evident they are sincerely trying to make things better, and listen to their customers. We'll see.

Ubersmith is one billing system that I haven't actually used in real life.. but their system looks VERY nice. A bit on the spendy side, but well worth it if it makes the user-experience a "non-issue", and is easy for our billing staff to use. We're waiting for their current version to come out of beta, and then we'll be giving that a test.
Ubersmith is one billing system that I haven't actually used in real life.. but their system looks VERY nice. A bit on the spendy side, but well worth it if it makes the user-experience a "non-issue", and is easy for our billing staff to use. We're waiting for their current version to come out of beta, and then we'll be giving that a test.

Was looking through this post and could not see ubersmith anywhere on the 1st 3 pages, im glad someone said it though.

We used ubersmith for a few months, and it is an amazing system, we will be signing back up with them soon as well - the script, the support, its all just amazing and blows any other hosting script away in my view.

A bit on the spendy side

I believe it is coming down in price (the leased prices), there owned (download) version should also be out soon.
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mrzippy said:
Ubersmith is one billing system that I haven't actually used in real life.. but their system looks VERY nice. A bit on the spendy side, but well worth it if it makes the user-experience a "non-issue", and is easy for our billing staff to use. We're waiting for their current version to come out of beta, and then we'll be giving that a test.
I would agree that it looks like a nice system. We looked at Ubersmith a while ago but we didn't like the fact we couldn't host it ourselves. I didn't feel comfortable 'outsourcing' such an important part of our infrastructure. I don't believe this is an issue with the latest beta version you mentioned though, as they allow you to self-host the application.

We ended up choosing the developer version of Client Exec (cost around $500) which allowed us access to all of the source code for the script. This allow us to heavily customize the entire application so it met our exact requirements. The regular version of Client Exec is encoded with IonCube, so it isn't very flexible as far as customization etc. goes.

- Chris