Best Billing Program

I use ClientExec. IMO it has the smoothest, most user-friendly interface among the three (CE, MB and WHMAP). Also I find the CE support to be much better than WHMAP.

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We rely on your future cooperation. has tremendous features, and a nice look. So, we don't need to worry about that minor SMTP issue. Afterall, if we get our IPs blacklisted, we can always afford to bounce back. ;)
XtremeHosts said:
what about for us cheap people that dont wanna spend alot of money :P

Depends on how cheap, I dont think WHMAutopilot is that expensive compared to others I have exp with. Clientexec is a little cheaper, Modernbill isnt TO bad. I guess what it comes down to is it worth spending $15-$25 a month for a leased lic. to automate things and make customer management easier?
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I'll have to chime in again in support of Modernbill. I had ClientExec but it didn't have the features for me and they really weren't moving quickly on the ones I really wanted and needed. The automation and subscription payment support were much better in MB too, IMO.

Biz Hosting Network currently uses Modern Bill. Many third parties have created modules for Modern Bill and integrate seamlessly. We do not plan on changing anytime soon.
How about Accountlab Plus, I was using it before switching to CE, because AL was taken over by the company that handles Fantastico. They decide to rewrite the whole program and the new was suppose to be out a couple of months ago and they did supply the code for testing only at this time. I believe it could be a great billing software in the near future with all the qualities of Autopilot (which I used for several months) and simplicity of Client Exec. The good part is I believe they are setting the cost under $50.00
Currently use ClientExec and I'm very pleased up until now.

If you're a WHMAP user and you want to purchase CE, they will give you a 50% discount.
I am surprized not to see AWBS (Formally DRAMS) mentioned here. We have seen all of them, and presently it blows the rest away.

Although ModernBill 5 sounds interesting when it comes out, will have to take a look.

We have played around with AWBS. The only issue we had is the template system. That did not work for our needs. It comes down to not which is the best billing software. But what is the best for your needs. Modern bill, WHM.Autopilot, whois cart, or even Client Exec in any situation could meet anyone's needs. Your preference, what you need, and how technical you are all depends on which one you choose. I have not found a bad billing system yet; however, I have found ones that I do not prefer to use.