Automated Backups


Is there a way to automate daily backups for a reseller account? I've looked around and a lot of hosting companies list this as a benefit of their hosting. I'm just wondering how this is accomplished, through software i.e. Cpanel/WHM or is this done by the server manager the top level company running the server.



There are some company out there that have software that do it, I don't know how they do it. Basically if you have cPanel I would just go into it and use the feature that backs up everything I don;t know what its called right off my head...

Some companies I guess have a servant trusted guy or girl that dose it for them..
You could run the backup script via a cron job or a custom daemon that you make yourself in order to take backups on a schedule, or upon the occurrence of some type of trigger or action.

Alternatively you could backup your entire server/vps with rsync -- this won't work as desired, though, on running databases.
Many webhosts will offer free, automated backups for you. However, if you wish to do it yourself (as a reseller), you will need to do it through cronjobs (you can setup crons to either backup websites to a certain FTP or to rsync them somewhere).
If you're using WHM, you can set up your backup configuration to export to a remote FTP location.

rsync is an option too

Personally, if I was on a budget, I'd create a cronjob to dump the database to a file, then rsync that file to a remote location. MOST TIMES the file structure on the site wouldnt' be changing, it's just the database which is the important part.
Personally, if I was on a budget, I'd create a cronjob to dump the database to a file, then rsync that file to a remote location. MOST TIMES the file structure on the site wouldnt' be changing, it's just the database which is the important part.

perfect for budget back-up
Hello Friends

Very nice.
Thanks for posting it. As soon as my coupon arrives I'm going set up several automated backups using Transmit.
WHM backup can be configured from the root account, I don't think this is available for resellers. Again one of the benefits for having a VPS rather than a simple reseller account.
Do a Webdisk and setup your backup server with rsync to pull the data. Cpanel has automated backup service if your host uses it.
each host manages it differently, either remote backups, daily backups , weekly or so on. It would not hurt that each acct will have its own one, just as a emergency measure.
Most companies will back it up off site so just submit a ticket or talk to them by live chat and ask them is the best way.
I would personally recommend you using job and backing up to a different off-site server. I would say it is the easiest and most cost effective method!
If you're using WHM, you can set up your backup configuration to export to a remote FTP location.

That would be possible only if you have root WHM access. If you're a reseller, you probably won't have root access.

An automated backup feature for individual cPanel accounts, if not the entire reseller account including all resold accounts as that would be quite a cumbersome backup indeed, would really be a handy feature. cPanel should consider adding it in future versions.
Both cPanel and WHM have automated ftp (and similar protocols). It's just as easy as, first, having an external ftp account capable of holding your data, then, just setting up and scheduling.
It can be done many ways from php scripts, to big companys, to cPanel, an extra HDD, ftp backup, and more.

Most big companies however use either an off-site backup provider due to if there was outages or corruption problem or a backup somewhere in-house. However the bigger hosters usually have a combo of both of these.