Anyone owns a webhosting company


Artashes said:
Rapid Host, I'm actually surprised you do not consider asking for help a good strategy when going into business. This is even what they tell us in one of the best business schools in Canada, that is what numerous successfull entrepreneurs tell students to do: Ask for help.

Because most of the time, people WANT and they WILL help when asked for.

You surely can try and go into business on your own, but think about how many mistakes you can ignore by asking for advice from those who passed all those steps already.


Its not that i did'nt want help its just that everyone finally does that one thing that they say "i'm doing this on my own, i don't need help, donations or encouragement"

and blue, are you quick to judge a person onthe fact that they replied to somethig they said they would not?

You just love to jump to conclusions and think you know so much, i do want to leave it be but i am not gonna let you say whatever crap you want because you think i won;t defend myself, your crazy i won't let you say anything bout me without my defense and if you do your a coward and can;t confront me, thats why your last post stated

"And yet you did reply.
A man of his word."

why? because you have nothing left, your wrong, don't get me wrong its great you wanna help people, may'be your not the kind that helps then complains, i just think you totally jumped on me about what i was trying to say.
Re: Well

Rapid Host said:
You just love to jump to conclusions and think you know so much, i do want to leave it be but i am not gonna let you say whatever crap you want because you think i won;t defend myself, your crazy i won't let you say anything bout me without my defense and if you do your a coward and can;t confront me
Take it easy, Rapid Host.

HD Rules: 3.1 Be respectful to other users and avoid personal attacks.

Blue, as far as I can read through his posts, did not show any rudeness towards you.

ok ok i am sorry, no i don't think he was rude at all but he did jumo the gun he said and i quote

"You say no one helped you when you started up. How can that be true? How did you get into business? You must have read something about it or participated in forums. Are you saying that the people who wrote what you read didn't help you"

moving on

"Since you did bring it up what problem do you have helping a newbie if they ask for help?"

when did i say i had a problem with it?

sorry but things like this fire me up, whats blue talking about here?

He was not rude and i am sorry to blue and others who think i am being rude.
if i say no one helped me, take my word for it, do not second guess me, your not me and do not know what i went thought to start my company

i am not trying to be rue but if someone says this

"If you won't reply to anything then your post is pretty useless. Why even bother bringing it up?"

of coarse i am gonna reply, then he proceds to say this

"And yet you did reply.
A man of his word."

But anyway..........
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Apology accepted :) , Rapid, but hey, no one argues that you started your own business and went through the process yourself.

But these are your words: "For your informationi had a freidn in the web-hosting buisness, but we grew apart and many years later decided i would give it a shot, but since we no longer talked he did not help me, i did read up but i did not go to forum and ask from help"

"I did read up" - looking from a neutral viewpoint, this is what Blue meant - he meant that if you read at least something on how to run/start your business, someone had to write it back in the day and those who wrote it helped you since you've gained knowledge to be able to run successful operations.

But since the majority of any businesses are getting opened and run not without consulting or external advice, this is nothing major if someone helped you. In most cases it is actually a norm.

I hope we clarified the misunderstanding and we can all move on.


Artashes said:
Apology accepted :) , Rapid, but hey, no one argues that you started your own business and went through the process yourself.

But these are your words: "For your informationi had a freidn in the web-hosting buisness, but we grew apart and many years later decided i would give it a shot, but since we no longer talked he did not help me, i did read up but i did not go to forum and ask from help"

"I did read up" - looking from a neutral viewpoint, this is what Blue meant - he meant that if you read at least something on how to run/start your business, someone had to write it back in the day and those who wrote it helped you since you've gained knowledge to be able to run successful operations.

But since the majority of any businesses are getting opened and run not without consulting or external advice, this is nothing major if someone helped you. In most cases it is actually a norm.

I hope we clarified the misunderstanding and we can all move on.


i admit when i am wrong and over-reacting.

I now look @ it as a mis-comunication

i was specifically talking about going to forums and just reading post and asking questions, aparently 'blue' ment research of any kind, and in that case i definetly did 'research'

Hope i have not given everyone (especially blue) the wrong impression about myself
Re: welp

Rapid Host said:
Hope i have not given everyone (especially blue) the wrong impression about myself
Don't worry about it. We're all open-minded individuals. :agree:
Rapid Host, my only problem with your post was the tone.
You seemed to attack people who help newbies. I just don't understand the rationale of not helping out.
1) These guys are probably going to start up the business anyway.
2) Everytime a lousy host appears it hurts the whole industry.

Therefore, I choose to help/guide these people because I would rather see them succeed and improve the industry than fail and leave a whole new group of potential customers with a bad taste in their mouth.
Even though the first post in this thread by Rapid Host, was pretty choppy (I'm presuming English is not the Mother tongue due to the number of Spelling errors), there was a kernel of truth in the post.

With the advancements made in Server Control panels and much lower entry costs for Servers, too many people are thinking they can start a Web Hosting business because they can operate a computer at home and got a couple of hundred dollars in their pocket. They usually figure they can do everything through a Control Panel and, if they run into a problem they will ask at Forum(s) to get all the answers they need.

That is wrong for all kinds of reasons and these type people usually bail pretty quick, when the problems start to happen. Unfortunately, it's the Clients of these type Hosters that get burned -- as well as creating a bad image for the Web Hosting Industry in general.

Although I enjoy helping people with various problems, I have found myself getting into the habit of qualifying. If I make a suggestion, to someone who says they "run" their own Server/Hosting business, about doing something in Shell and the person responds along the lines of, "What is shell?", then I point out they need to get some book learning and hands-on experience. Getting a ServerAdmin for their Server & current Clients in the meantime, is not a bad idea either.
If a newbie asks questions, I'll give my opinion. Maybe it helps and maybe it doesn’t. I believe that knowledge is an accumulated and valuable resource that should be shared.

If these newbies open some basement-run company and I find myself in the position of trying to explain the differences between them and us...I'll be annoyed. And I may post my grievances, looking for peers who are in the same boat and can sympathize. But I would never consider NOT sharing what I know, because I don't think that will eliminate the competition. I don’t mind ever changing competitive environments. I would rather swim in a fresh watering hole, than a stagnant one.

If anything, newbies usually crash and burn, making the more established companies look better. The more people are burned by crap hosting companies, the more they start to look for companies like ours and understand what differentiates us. Once burned, they appreciate the differences and they are willing to pay for quality and reliability.
I don't mind helping the new guy out either. At least they have a shot of doing a decent job. Heck if they do really well they might just "remember" you and help you out in a time of need. Do unto others as you would have them do to you while originally a religious phrase still has many noble aspects in today's society and good deeds do eventually return to you it just takes some longer than others.
I have to agree that I don't mind helping out someone that actually is serious about starting a host business but when I get comments from people that just wake up and say, Hey.. lets start a hosting business it does make the blood boil.

Oh well, they will most likely wash out in 6 months anyways :)


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yes. I'll help out the new guy, however, I will usually make him read around 30-40 pages of pointless articles. They mean nothing, but look to be something. I then ask him a question or 2 on it in live chat (so I cant hear tapping).

At least I then know that he is determined to do this.
Spot on Blue. Could not have said finer words myself. As we all know, we were all new at some stage.

Its not about "Oh here comes more competition". Its about keeping a industry looking good from the outside in.


Blue said:
I choose to help/guide these people because I would rather see them succeed and improve the industry than fail and leave a whole new group of potential customers with a bad taste in their mouth.
My biggest beef as well...any one who has a PC can be a "web" solution provider. makes me mad as hell.

Exactly. My company has beein in the hosting business since 1994. We were one of the Silicon Valley's first web hosting providers. Where are we on the Google rankings for web hosting? Number 292.

It is extremely frustrating as many of these new one man operations are ranked higher than our well established hosting company. But it no longer matters to the customer how much expertise you may have in your field. All that matters is the price. In the end, the one man operations always win.
To be honest when i started up my first webhost (unable to name because of legal reasons as i recently sold my half of the company to my buissness partner) i didnt have a clue, i just wanted to setup a reliable host. But with perserverance I managed to setup a reliable host which started straight away with its own server.
Anyway i am currently working on my second host, as I know the mistakes we made last time I understand what I need to do to succeed.


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Because "anyone from the streets with a few bucks can start a web hosting company" is why some new hosting companies don't make it big, all thanks to a bunch of teenager who want to make a few quick bucks and than screw over all clients making them believe that every new host is not trustworthy.
Starting a web hosting company is easy but building a real legal registered business and keep it alive on your on dedicated server is the real challenge.
I certainly don't mind helping the new guy out either (hey, I was there once too), but the people who've been asking me for help are asking for a whole lot more than advice.. I don't think I'm going to go about installing everything and troubleshooting their systems for free out of the kindness of my heart ;)

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