Anyone been to Cuba?


Staff member
I'm going to Cuba this week (for the first time). :dance:

Has anyone been there before?

PS: Can say hello to Fidel from you if you want. :D

Are you planning on going there for vacations? How long will you stay?

:smilie3: <- Fidel
LOL, Jose, I'm leaving July 19 at night (plan to do some work around HD that day as well) and go for a week. Yes, it is a vacation, which will be the first one in 4 years.

If there is going to be an Internet connection there at the hotel, I might come online a few times to check on stuff, but that is unlikely. (I don't really enjoy dial-up since this is what I expect).

And Fidel might like the idea of starting up a web hosting company, don't you think?

Might just be the most Evil hosting company ever created... hehe
Have a good time, Artashes! Enjoy your vacation!

btw how is your Español?

Sure! Sure! He would love the idea of starting up a web hosting company :crazy2:

I agree 100%
Sorry for digging up the old thread but, why not.
I've spent about a year total in Cuba, the longest stretch was 4 months. I love it there. Beautiful country and the friendliest people in this hemisphere.
I am going back for a couple of weeks in December of this year.
Mojitos, here I come.
Oh, man, swimming and sun in December.. I've never experienced that in my life yet. Its always more hot sun when there is enough sun in Canada.