This is what depresses me more than ever - when the immature people judge a book by it's cover. This shows that they are not only immature, and most likely children themselves, but also very narrow minded.
I myself, I can run a business perfectly - I can start a business up now with some capital and have it earning plenty of money within six months. That's me - I'm not a designer, I'm not a dancer, I'm not a singer, I'm a businessman because I have the mind to be one. No matter the business, no matter the product, I'll be able to sell it and sell it well with a nice amount of capital and have that company turning in a nice profit. So what if I cannot design a website, does it matter? In actual fact, I personally can design very good websites - however I'm unable to ever do a nice banner. All my sites end up having a very bland banner, since I never learnt how to make a sparkling one and I don't really want to bother either.
There are many places out there whom offer nice templates and full websites which are unique, such as PixelAxis. I'd say Ravio as well, however many are having problems with them at the moment. Although PixelAxis is quite cheap, and their quality seems very very good. There are always people in the world who are great at one thing, while not good at another. Just because Bill Gates apparently isn't a very nice person, doesn't mean he isn't good on computers - since he is!
Just because a baker cannot run the till, doesn't mean he can't bake well. It's simply immature to judge someone by something they cannot do.
I'll take one example: the other night I saw a high up person speaking, I think it was a senator or something, and when he was talking about New Year's Eve - He said New Year's Night. I speak English at a very high level and passed very highly from school - and I'm pretty sure someone high up in power like he was would need to have a pretty high level in English as well, however proper true English is not New Year's Night - Eve means the night before, while New Year's Night means the evening of New Year.
If you don't quite understand I'll put it better: New Year's Eve is the night before New Year. New Year's Night is the night of New Year. Those two aren't quite the same. Get it?
He probably is (presumption) very good in what he does, whatever he does, however he doesn't speak English to an extent of what you'd expect - or at least what I'd expect from someone high up.
So you should never judge a person, a web host, a company, or anyone or even anything by what it does not do properly or cannot do.