Advice needed :)


New member
hi all, this is my 1st post here

2 weeks ago i registered webmarketwatch .com
does anyone see any good potential ?

I simply don't know what to do with domain, I found it interesting but I'm not willing to sell it.

What would you do with this domain?

Bosnia, I am clueless. Why register a domain if you don't know what to do with it? If you found it interesting, then you definitely had some ideas on where to go.

WebMarketWatch? Start a news site covering web news and events, just like CBS MarketWatch for business world...

Yup, you're rigth.. I had some ideas..

btw. Seems like we think same, the best I've found on this topic was :)

You are welcome, although I didn't really go much into brainstorming - just looked at the domain name.

Good luck, whatever it is you are going to build it into.
Personally I would either :

• Start a Community based around internet businesses / ecommerce
• Start a Directory site for internet businesses

These seem like the obvious two :)
Another good idea Stewart :)

To be honest the name is very marketable, and who's to say that you couldn't make a small fortune form it in forms of advertisement, once it's launched :)
Thanks all,
Blue- Hosting is only one industry, and if i build anything, it should cover really much more than that, it should cover b2b, b2c etc business, web software & hardware products, services, news, stocks etc etc..... anyway thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Nice ideas all, thanks.

Small mix of csb market watch & thewir would be fine for the start, I belive.
Well, something must be done here, anyone interested in partnering ?

PS. Ohh I almost forgot , Happy Birthday Anthony :party:
Thanks Bosnia,

If you mix and match what kinds of market / industry you are reporting on or basing your site about you are likely to reach a wider audience :)
how could this possibly be a spam if the owner is asking what to do with the site? There is no content on the site yet. The owner is not looking for hits. (???)
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What are you talking about virkson?

Why would someone spam a domain that is parked at Godaddy?
A way of Spam

Hello every one.

yeah i think its a perfect way of getting hits for a parked domain. k let me explain what i think.

bosnia posted this sentense "2 weeks ago i registered webmarketwatch .com
does anyone see any good potential ?"

can ANY ONE TELL ME THE REASON why bosnia left a space before .com ?
why didnt he placed a link here??

Isnt that pointing that he needs direct hits ( his domain directly should be written in the browser) which will make his domain more valuable.

SO how many of you agree with my fact????
you need to let that go. Its a space for heavens sake. Get over it. It could be just a mistake. Why would he want hits for a parked domain anyway?

Also, many people would not even look at the site since he is asking what to do with it which implies that there is not substantial content yet.
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Hello every one.

can ANY ONE TELL ME THE REASON why bosnia left a space before .com ?
why didnt he placed a link here??

Because I don't need hits. Simple as that.
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