Acronis backup for servers?

We've been implementing it internally for a little while now and are really happy with it. There are some things I like better about R1Soft and some things I like better about Acronis. Overall I really feel they are fairly equal offerings when it comes to backing up a server.

I do like that with Acronis you can use your account to back up other devices such as your desktop, your phone, etc.
We do see the trend among our hosting provider partners, who switch from R1Soft to Acronis for their servers mainly because of Acronis' better compression technology alongside with its lower resources footprint when backup runs.
I currently use R1Soft but whilst it is good, I have been trying to migrate to Acronis, it's just a little more complicated than R1Soft but I'll definitely have to update this post or make a new thread when I know which path I choose :)
You need to think about your needs and check the advantages and disadvantages of each product, compare costs with effectiveness and requirements. In the end, you will stick with any of the mentioned products which are literally great for dedicated server solutions.
I currently use R1Soft but whilst it is good, I have been trying to migrate to Acronis, it's just a little more complicated than R1Soft but I'll definitely have to update this post or make a new thread when I know which path I choose :)

Odd. I found the opposite! Acronis is fiddly to use when using self-hosted Acronis Backup as you have to use Acronis Cyber Infrastructure and meet the hardware requirements, which is more complex and requires a bigger investment.

Because of that, I prefer to use Acronis Backup Cloud, so the data is hosted in the Cloud within their UK datacentre. Far fewer problems that way. I don't have to worry about the hardware/network side of things then. Let Acronis take care of it.

Acronis works great with cPanel. There have been some slight issues with the integration since I started using it a few years ago, but that can be said for anything. Happy enough with it now. I recommend using Acronis + JetBackup to be on the safe side.
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Acronis Cyber Protect and Cloud Backup are rock solid. Agree with @HostXNow for all aspects.

Moreover, Acronis works seamlessly not just with cPanel but with VMWare, Windows OS, Virtualizor, Zimbra and all latest Linux Operating Systems.
Acronis Cyber Cloud/Protect is nice, covers all of the bases we need and the rescue (when it has been needed has been spot on).

For our account we can also choose between different storage locations which is nice, gives us and our clients more control of where data is hosted.
I used to be on r1soft but always seem to have little issues popping up and the support was pretty bad. Beed really happy with Acronis, no issues, and no complaints from me, and that is saying something!

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