3-2-1 Movies Looking For Hosting


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This is Cornelius Wilson, Daily Entertainment Online, Pro Wrestling News, and 3-2-1 Movies Owner.

I will be in need of some hosting for 3-2-1Movies.com. The website was online earlier in the year but I decided to make it inactive until Daily Entertainment Online Version 2.0 was online. I put DEO 2.0 online on October 31.

I will be willing to give you free advertising in exchange for hosting.

Below is what I will need:
- 20 GIGs bandwidth (With 10k page views a day, I will be surprise if I reach 20 GIGs/month)
- 300 MB space
- Control Panel
- and the rest of the goodies normal servers include.

Head over to http://www.pwrestlingnews.com/tombo/ to view the design. From there you can get an idea of where you would like to have your advertisement placed. Please let me know which spots advertisement you will like. In your message let me know what your hosting plan will include, all the features and specs.

Oh just kidding... You already said 10k per day. Thats fine, we can host you. Please IM me on sn HelluvaHelp (AIM) to work out the details. Thanks. Please send a link to this thread.
At the moment we average 0 hits a day. We were averaging around 5,000 page views a day but my goal for the site is to have it average 10,000 page views a day. Hopefully I can pull that off within 5 months. If everything goes right with DEO and it better go right lol, 3-2-1Movies should have no problem averaging 10k page views a day.
I am still searching for a hosting company to host 3-2-1Movies.com in exchange for advertising. If interested contact me.

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