VPS Control Panel


What is your choice for VPS Control Panel? I've had Parallels in the past which I loved because I do not need simple. However, my VPS was moved to a newer and faster server recently but now has OpenVZ which I am not real happy with. One of the reasons is it does not show cpu usage which Parallels does.

It does offer the option to set up reverse DNS but it doesn't work. So my upstream provider must have it disabled. Since I pay for those IP's I should be able to set up reverse DNS on them.

I would like to hear other thoughts on this.
I think WHM/CPanel is the best option that you can go with. It offers more compared to other control panels to manage your VPS hosting.

OpenVZ is not a VPS panel it's a virtualization technologies... Probably your provider use SolusVM as it's the most used VPS panel actually.

If you want to setup rDNS and it's not available on your current panel (because your provided as disabled this option, or because your use another panel where this option is not available), you can still ask your provider to make the change for you...

As a provider, we have the reverse DNS options disabled on our VPS panel to keep an eyes on our IPs.... but we always update the customers reverse DNS on their IPs on request.

BTW, to all those who have replied Cpanel.... cPanel is not a VPS panel!!!
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cPanel is a user's part of WHM and I think they meant WHM when saying cPanel.

We also provide SolusVM, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager and VestaCP to our clients, so that everybody can select to their liking.

BTW, many customers buy VPS for reselling and cPanel is all they need in that case.

With VPS control panel, it actually meant to manage the VPS installation and other stuffs, not control panel within the VPS.

SolusVM provides its own VPS control panel regardless of underneath virtualization technology.

Parallels has the same technology I guess, but the panel that they provide is much better and advance.

What kind of performance change you have noticed apart from the change of VPS Control panel stuff?
BTW, to all those who have replied Cpanel.... cPanel is not a VPS panel!!!

BTW, many customers buy VPS for reselling and cPanel is all they need in that case.


But in this case, the OP is talking about his old VPS using a Parallels Virtuozzo container(I guess) compared to his new VPS using OpenVZ and also told us that the Reverse DNS option on his VPS Panel is broken. He didn't talk about a panel to manage their websites hosting.

So the VPS Control Panel title must refer to SolusVM, Virtualizor or any other VPS panel (to control your VPS, NOT YOUR WEBSITE).

I think this is the question in his post and the response CAN'T be cPanel:

It does offer the option to set up reverse DNS but it doesn't work. So my upstream provider must have it disabled. Since I pay for those IP's I should be able to set up reverse DNS on them.

I would like to hear other thoughts on this.

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WHM/cPanel has nothing to do with Parallels and OpenVZ. I do have WMN/cPanel but was focusing on the other. Possibly some of the terms got mixed up but I thought by mentioning Parallels and OpenVZ it would relay the message I intended.
Are you talking about a VPS control panel to manage your VPS or to host VPSs?

CPanel is a control panel you would install on a VPS to manage and host websites.

SolusVM is a control panel you use to manage VPS containers on a server.
I guess you're referring to the VPS control panel. There's this VPS control panel called virtualizor by the same guys from Softaculos. Recently go to try it out when I've purchased a VPS. It feels better than the current SolusVM.
Webling, if you need a reliable control panel for VPS, able to set RDNS, I suggest you looking at DirectAdmin or ISP Manager 4.0.
Go with SolusVM

I think WHM/CPanel is the best option that you can go with. It offers more compared to other control panels to manage your VPS hosting.

Cpanel is not control panel designed for VPS. I would suggest you to go with SolusVM. It is widely used in industry.
I think WHM/CPanel is the best option that you can go with. It offers more compared to other control panels to manage your VPS hosting.

cPanel/WHM is designed to manage website ( hence they are website control panels)

control panels for VPS are

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