.co.cc shutting up shop

.co.cc domains where good till people came around registering them to use them for things that was not nice like phishing sites , hacking sites and even virus sites..

Good that they are closing down but there are many other free domain registers that we have to worry about.
.co.cc domains where good till people came around registering them to use them for things that was not nice like phishing sites , hacking sites and even virus sites..

yes their are many out there along with the email services

hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc are all used for these types of emails.

they use these for one thing and that is to prevent from being traced or they think so.

ie. you use your ISP email or the webspace/domain given to you by your ISP then through email headers/server logs the actual connection can be traced to your router, but using free services this cannot be traced to your address/router.

I have also noticed the increased spam sent though our WHMCS support ticket system so to avoid leaving a traceable email header which most abuse departments will insist on before they investigate spam. but WHMCS takes the sender IP and this can then be used to trace the server log entry which then can lead the spammers connection.
That sucks. That's why I never use free domains for anything serious. It's very cheap to register a domain so why take the chance of losing it to save a few bucks?

That sucks. That's why I never use free domains for anything serious. It's very cheap to register a domain so why take the chance of losing it to save a few bucks?


I do agree with your comment though this thread is months (a year now?) so should probably be left to gather some dust ;).

Though for an on-topic reply: If one really wants a free domain name the best move would be to go with a reliable web hosting provider that offers free domains in their packages such as ourselves.

The .co.cc and its competition attract spammers by the bucket load and it results in a lot of negatives: Search engines de-indexing you, shut downs, spam filters and then eventually the move over to .com or other TLD etc... can be a hassle for your clients.
Yeah it's sad to see them go, but most people abused their services. Sadly that's the same with all the free domains, I bet the next hit will be .tk.
Don't really mind don't even know what it stands for and have never thought about buying them as it seems a pretty bad domain like imagine hostingdiscussion.co.cc just doesn't look correct.
Don't really mind don't even know what it stands for and have never thought about buying them as it seems a pretty bad domain like imagine hostingdiscussion.co.cc just doesn't look correct.
There was nothing to buy, co.cc offered free domain names (well, subdomains in fact). The best alternative I can imagine now is uni.me, I don't really trust .tk with their suddens ads being displayed on users sites.

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