Looking for employment

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I've been messing with hosting, cpanel and such since around 2006. I also have good knowledge with WordPress and it's plug ins. I also know WHM too....

Interested in Level 1 CSR or administrator. What I do not know, I can learn rather quickly.


Well, looks like that either didn't work out or something.

Anyhow, I'm looking for a position with a big company, that needs someone for support or in admin.

I know my way around cPanel and WHM and I can take support request and ticket stuff.

I need full time. Wage requirements and my resume with story available.


-Pat :crash:
Look on facebook, they have openings. You can also serve an internship there with a chance to work into a paid position.
Look on facebook, they have openings. You can also serve an internship there with a chance to work into a paid position.

Eh, that's a flop, looked in my area, there's nothing. At what they do have, they want you have a piece of paper that tells everyone, "Hey, I know how to run a computer!" :rolleyes2

I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

Can't you tell that I'm just a bit jaded these days? :devil:
I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

Nothing personal against you or anything like that.. But, this is NOT something I would recommend posting in your "seeking employment" thread. :shaky:
I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

if thats how you ask for a job with a hosting company do you think any hosting company is going to let you near any of their clients/prospective clients. I know i would not entertain you as an employee. you need to change your attitude
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Eh, that's a flop, looked in my area, there's nothing. At what they do have, they want you have a piece of paper that tells everyone, "Hey, I know how to run a computer!" :rolleyes2

I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

Can't you tell that I'm just a bit jaded these days? :devil:

I would say you need a lot of polishing before venturing into working for a hosting provider after displaying the attitude you have here. Hosting providers look for support people that will be friendly with their clients.
, they want you have a piece of paper that tells everyone, "Hey, I know how to run a computer!"

this is called a certificate of Qualification to prove that you are qualified in IT/customners services etc. whatever the job is. you will find all employers will need some sort of proof of experience/qualifications as anyone can say i can use a computer.

sitting in your bedroom with a laptop/PC playing games only means you know how to use a laptop/PC, this does not prove you know anything about computers or the web hosting industry. and judging by your comments i would suggest you get on a customer service course at your local college as you clearly have no customer service skills which are needed in this industry or go to your local job center and ask them to place you on a course on how to apply for jobs, take along a printout of this forum as an example of how you asked for a job, so they know what they are dealing with.
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While his image came out wrong here, I don't think he was to far out of line in this thread.

He was requesting a job with a hosting company in which he was told to check out a site with other type of jobs on it. I'd be a little upset if I were him as well.

I wonder, can anyone read/understand forum rules anymore? We, as employer's, are only suppose to respond if we can match or exceed the requester's request. In this case, that means, only respond if you have the job to offer which he requested. It may be wise to review the forum rules before posting such garbage. There is a reason you don't see many of us posting much anymore.

That being said, I can offer a CSR in the Sales department. If your interested, contact me at admin (@) thepremierhost.com
While his image came out wrong here, I don't think he was to far out of line in this thread.

He was requesting a job with a hosting company in which he was told to check out a site with other type of jobs on it. I'd be a little upset if I were him as well.

I wonder, can anyone read/understand forum rules anymore? We, as employer's, are only suppose to respond if we can match or exceed the requester's request. In this case, that means, only respond if you have the job to offer which he requested. It may be wise to review the forum rules before posting such garbage. There is a reason you don't see many of us posting much anymore.

That being said, I can offer a CSR in the Sales department. If your interested, contact me at admin (@) thepremierhost.com

the OP still has a attitude problem

I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

looking for a job in the hosting business you would not say things like that, also his last comment is discrimination

e was requesting a job with a hosting company in which he was told to check out a site with other type of jobs on it. I'd be a little upset if I were him as well.

so if this hosting company told him to go to a job centre or a online recruitment site they would be wrong as god forbid a job centre or recruitment site having different types of jobs
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This is what it comes down to. He was professional until webling posted something that didn't pertain to his request.

Look on facebook, they have openings. You can also serve an internship there with a chance to work into a paid position.

Eh, that's a flop, looked in my area, there's nothing. At what they do have, they want you have a piece of paper that tells everyone, "Hey, I know how to run a computer!" :rolleyes2

I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.

Can't you tell that I'm just a bit jaded these days? :devil:
This is what it comes down to. He was professional until webling posted something that didn't pertain to his request.

maybe but his attitude

At what they do have, they want you have a piece of paper that tells everyone, "Hey, I know how to run a computer!

most employers would want some sort of certification to prove he know what he is doing and not that he know how to turn a pc on and off.

also this statement was uncalled for

I want to work for a damned hosting company, answer tickets, handle back end stuff... Not work for some overrated social networking site, started by some egomaniac Jew, who really stole the design from another person.
Well, it really depends on what position your hiring for. I've worked for quite a few hosting companies before I started my own who preferred self taught person(s). There is so much more that your going to learn doing it yourself, than learning out of a book. Level 1 is quite low grade work so..

His statement might have been uncalled for but eh? Sometimes the truth hurts. The only ones I could really see taken offense to that statement, is the ones who are doing it.

Either way, I'm done high jacking the thread with this. We will agree to disagree on this subject
Well, it really depends on what position your hiring for. I've worked for quite a few hosting companies before I started my own who preferred self taught person(s). There is so much more that your going to learn doing it yourself, than learning out of a book. Level 1 is quite low grade work so..

His statement might have been uncalled for but eh? Sometimes the truth hurts. The only ones I could really see taken offense to that statement, is the ones who are doing it.

Thank You Jerry. It's good to see real Americans sticking up for one another. :D
No problem.

Sometimes people are just blind to what's in front of them. That is what was happening here. Hopefully, my comments have helped them to open their eyes and see the big picture.

In the end, opinion is opinion so...
No problem.

Sometimes people are just blind to what's in front of them. That is what was happening here.

WRONG, you made an unwarranted comment which also included a discrimatory remark against jews.

webling onlyt pointed you to a place where you may find employment offers, just like being requested to visit an employment agency.

any respectable business will ask any potential employee for some sort of proof of experience and qualifications as anyone can say i work with computers and not know a thing about computers. hows an employer going to know what experience etc. you have in any particular field.
WRONG, you made an unwarranted comment which also included a discrimatory remark against jews.

How did I happen to do that? Because I stuck up for a person? Being that I didn't visit the link provide AND I don't know who weblings is, your WAY off base on that. I think it's about time you get a life. SHOW me where I said ANYTHING about Jews or anything else that might be "discriminatory" toward anything.

Any respectable business will ask for proof huh? One of the companies I was referring to that I worked for was a very successful U.K based company. They have been around since 2004. There are a LOT of ways to prove your knowledge without that piece of paper.

Now as I stated before. YOUR only suppose to post if you have an OFFER that pertains to the REQUEST. You clearly do NOT.
How did I happen to do that? Because I stuck up for a person? Being that I didn't visit the link provide AND I don't know who weblings is, your WAY off base on that. I think it's about time you get a life. SHOW me where I said ANYTHING about Jews or anything else that might be "discriminatory" toward anything.

Any respectable business will ask for proof huh? One of the companies I was referring to that I worked for was a very successful U.K based company. They have been around since 2004. There are a LOT of ways to prove your knowledge without that piece of paper.

Now as I stated before. YOUR only suppose to post if you have an OFFER that pertains to the REQUEST. You clearly do NOT.

sorry i meant the OP. also its an open public forum where replies were made to the OPS statement in asking for employment
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