LiveChat discussions


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When helping customers via LiveChat, how do you manage them?

Example: Sometimes someone will just continue talking. They don't have a "question", but instead are just interested in chatting. This is fine, I love talking to customers/potential customers but when there are multiple people online and someone else has a real question or problem to be solved, its difficult to engage everybody.

After about a 15 minute conversation, chit-chatting about this, about that; a customer finally thanked me for my time and let me know he wouldn't keep me any longer.

Would it be appropriate to simply say:
"I'm glad that you decided to contact us but we currently have LiveChat guests seeking support that needs to be addressed" (or something)

Mainly, I don't want to sound like a dick and displease a potential customer who is simply just trying to chit-chat and get the feel of how a company is ran. But I also don't want other clients who may be on the chat getting slow response times because I am discussing misc. things with another guest.
You could simply ask if you could call them back in a few minutes. If they ask why, just say you're getting backlogged with calls at the moment. Honesty works. Just make sure you call them back. :D
We normally just politely say "Is there anything else we can help you with today?". That usually, politely lets them know. :agree:

But when not overwhelmed with other chat sessions, it is nice to just chit-chat. :D
Like the others - we love to chat to our customers when there's nothing going on - it keeps staff occupied and keeps the customer on the top of our list. A great report with the customer is vital, however letting them know that you have other tasks that need to be addressed, they're usually quite happy with that too. Much like if you're in chat and the customer is busy, they'll say "thanks for the help, gotta run" or something to that effect.

We try to keep the chatter to a minimum on our sessions, but if there's nothing happening, we're more than happy to chat - just like in a store when you're the only person there - the cashier is happy to chat.

There's nothing rude about asking if they have any other questions or problems you can help with.
I can see where your coming from. Personally, when I've dealt with smaller companies and I actually build rapport with representatives from the companies I love having an occasional chat with them just to see how things are going. As a client I would completely understand if someone simply told me were pretty busy atm I can't chat much
We also use "Is there anything" politely. I don't think it is rude about (politely) telling client that busy at the moment and can not chat much.
Yeah I gotta throw my weight on this one. Some clients have a tendency to chit chat, and some can really be a nuisance. It's always important to always be professional even if your annoyed, as these clients, I've noticed, tend to refer the most.
Its simple.Just ask him/her "can u hold for a while?". If they asked just reply have to attend the important call and this wont create distract on you by your customer or by friends.
Honesty is the best policy.

I always like to get to know my clients, but then again, I'm usually not busy enough to realy "push them aside," and it helps you in the future. "welcome back so and so, how was your trip to aruba?" They really like it when you give them that personal attention.

Keep in mind though, that you can't do that with everyone. Some people just don't want to get personal, but they'll ask you personal questions left and right. It's about finding that balance between customer service professionalism, and customer service "going the extra mile"
Thank you for the advices. I am the kind of person and can not say no..:(( Sometimes, chat takes a lot of times because of detailed - unrelated questions..
Most of our staffs have been in this situation before, but we always train how to handle worst situation to all of them, and try to turn things downside up, if there is a client who doesnt have any questions relating his or her account then we can open a conversation relating to hosting technology and somehow introduce one of our product to them, it's one of the most effective way to persuade them to have another account :)
I totally agree with what handsonhosting said “There's nothing rude about asking if they have any other questions or problems you can help with.” Live chat support allows your customers to interact with the real time agents in a friendly environment for the quick resolution of their queries.
Personally, I'd never be that blunt with a customer and tell them that there are others in queue who have real questions. It might tick them off. Sometimes, it helps if you just delay your responses in such situations. If they're sensible enough, they get it and end the chat session themselves without you having to say anything which they might consider impolite. Or you could always go with the standard "is there anything else I can help you with today?" approach, as mentioned above. :)
I too don't think there is any problem to ask Is there anything Many clients just want to do chit-chat, but you can't do due to having other stuff to do.
Usually, you can just send some hints but try not to be rude about it.

IE: "Is there anything I can help you with today sir? :)".

For some reason, I always like to include smilies in my chats all the time. :P
Livechat is necessary and important when customers needs technical support for very urgent problem,besides,some of the problem can be explained more clearly through livechat.It will be more efficient to solve problem.