Name and URL of hosting company: WevHosts (www.wevhosts.com)
Hosted URL(s): www.oleole.com
Description of service(s) used: Shared hosting Advanced Plan
How long have you been using the service(s): 6 Months (til March 10th, 2009)
Detailed review: I actually found wevhosts.com from googeling cpanel hosting since that is the only control panel that I am pretty familiar with. Anyways onto the review. Initially when I signed up everything went smoothly and after I paid, my account was instantly in business. I never really had too many problems, none serious, but for the minor ones, support tickets would be responded to within 6 or so hours everytime. Since I don't need much support I have judged my past hosts mainly on uptime and wevhosts.com is def the best. I wouldn't doubt if my uptime was 100% because me or my fellow soccer nuts never notcied the site down. In February I had to let wevhosts know that I can no longer use them and that I need my own server. They completly understood and have helped me in a million ways to transfer data. Anyways I hope this review helps them out because I'm sad to be leaving them
Pros: uptime, support, custom hosting plans available?
Cons: only shared hosting, not on live support as much as once were
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes in a heartbeat