WevHosts.com 6 Month Review


New member

Name and URL of hosting company: WevHosts (www.wevhosts.com)
Hosted URL(s): www.oleole.com
Description of service(s) used: Shared hosting Advanced Plan
How long have you been using the service(s): 6 Months (til March 10th, 2009)
Detailed review: I actually found wevhosts.com from googeling cpanel hosting since that is the only control panel that I am pretty familiar with. Anyways onto the review. Initially when I signed up everything went smoothly and after I paid, my account was instantly in business. I never really had too many problems, none serious, but for the minor ones, support tickets would be responded to within 6 or so hours everytime. Since I don't need much support I have judged my past hosts mainly on uptime and wevhosts.com is def the best. I wouldn't doubt if my uptime was 100% because me or my fellow soccer nuts never notcied the site down. In February I had to let wevhosts know that I can no longer use them and that I need my own server. They completly understood and have helped me in a million ways to transfer data. Anyways I hope this review helps them out because I'm sad to be leaving them
Pros: uptime, support, custom hosting plans available?
Cons: only shared hosting, not on live support as much as once were
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes in a heartbeat
Thank for the proper review, Vibe.

PS: Quite a break in posting there... :) Glad to have you back.
In March they moved from Rackspace(who they recommended to me) to the planet(I believe?) I don't quite understand why I'm defending my review?
This is not to make you defend your review Vibe but as you are a client of WevHosts can you ask them for information on this:

WevHosts.com is now 100% powered by green energy. All of our hosted websites and domains are now powered by wind turbines.

Neither Rackspace or thePlanet offer this so I'm curious if they have changed providers again. No more information is offered on the site.
Blue, if you read my review, you'd realize I am no longer a client.....

I recently asked John Allen, vp of support, about the 100% green, theplanet does offer the purchase of credits (state of texas) to make it fully green powered, they are actually 130% green powered. Secondly John asked why I'm curious to all this and I showed him this and he actually requested that this thread be taken down because of the nature of the recent posts. So my buddy, Artashes if you could do this for me? Sorry was just trying to help them out, didnt expect an inquisition
I don't quite understand why I'm defending my review?
A proper check would be required for all reviews, that's the very purpose of asking for a domain hosted there.

I'm not saying you were not a customer of theirs, just that the evidence I find shows the site being hosted on akamai and rackspace, but I didn't see ThePlanet or Wevhosts.
As Dan pointed out, reviewers provide the domain name in order for us to verify whether the site is indeed hosted with the provider. Doesn't mean you were not a customer. A review is just that - an honest opinion of a service provider.

Due to turnover of customers within the industry, I bet there are many reviews that were posted over the years that today won't point to their respective providers. And that also doesn't mean the review wasn't reflective of a provider at the time either. ;)

Not sure if I am making sense, been studying for the exam all day...
Blue, if you read my review, you'd realize I am no longer a client.....

I recently asked John Allen, vp of support, about the 100% green, theplanet does offer the purchase of credits (state of texas) to make it fully green powered, they are actually 130% green powered. Secondly John asked why I'm curious to all this and I showed him this and he actually requested that this thread be taken down because of the nature of the recent posts. So my buddy, Artashes if you could do this for me? Sorry was just trying to help them out, didnt expect an inquisition

My question was/is a reasonable one. Hardly an inquisition.
Reviews are not always taken at 100% face value nor should they be.

When I see a host claiming to be 100% green I am very skeptical with good cause.
There is a big difference between ThePlanet offering carbon credits and a host claiming to be running on 100% windmill power.
The point is mute of course considering this particular host is not with ThePlanet but with Rackspace.

Rather than ask the thread to be closed I would expect a VP of support to show a little professionalism and comment himself on this thread if he is so upset about it.
Seems odd they would want to censor a public forum where legitimate questions are raised rather than address the questions.

This is nothing against your or your review Vibe. I have no doubt at all as to the validity of your review.