ZPanel takes a turn

I wonder how zPanel management will react to this - surely they should remove him from his support position if not that could really damage the reputation of zPanel more than this has already done.

Good luck to them moving forward.
Yup - not much more they can do than to post what they did. At least they took the action to relieve the staff member - or at least remove them from active forum participation.

Sometimes programmers don't belong in the public eye - they're a different breed of people, much like graphic designers are generally not the greatest with customer support.
I heart about this, and am also wondering how the zPanel management team are going to react to this. While I'm not keeping up to date with this (as I don't use zPanel), it would be interesting to know.

I wish them good luck though.
zpanel is always a quick, easy panel to throw up on a server but it has some issues for sure and I never trusted the security of it in general. The thing I hate most about zpanel and ispconfig is the long ass paths to the users web files as well as the ownership methods.
Although zPanel is quick to install and the UI looks nice, it's quite insecure by default (all www folders have 777, phpMyAdmin is in /etc, and so on). I'd rather go with ISPConfig.
Agreed about it being insecure which is why I never use it =/ unfortunately I'd rather just use SSH to configure everything by hand which is a pain but still more secure when I'm working on my own projects!
When you work on your own projects SSH and vi are all you need, but as you increase the domain density on a server, and have multiple groups on the same server a control panel makes sense, otherwise you will eventually encounter "quality" issues.
Well, this is just great news. Actually downloaded and gave the panel a test today for the first time, possibly not business worthy yet after reading this. Will wait, assurance doesn't feel there. Free Software! :shh:

^ TG

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