Your Help Desk, Other Inquires


New member
I have become a member of this forum, and noticed that soe of my post are now missing. Please check and see what that may be.
Also, when clicking on the help tab, it seems your helpdesk wont load correctly (wont mention the message here).
I enjoy this forum, and believe its a positive environment uncompared to other web hosting forums that may be found on the internet. However, if my post are deleted for no reason I will be forced to find another board to chat in. Please understand this message is meant to be positive constructive criticism, and if I were able to use the helpdesk, I would have done so. So please feel free to delete this post if needed after the above issues are resolved.
Thank you.
Hi James,

No worries, criticism is healthy and I'd be more concerned if there was none. That's how we improve HostingDiscussion.

As far as our helpdesk, I am trying to find and trial other helpdesk systems that we can employ instead of the existing one, which has outgrown our needs (additionally, it is no longer updated/supported), but I haven't found the right one yet. You did the right thing by starting your thread in this forum, which is appropriate for requests like yours.

Regarding your posts, I have checked into your history and I don't see a single deleted post. Are you sure you are not mixing us up with another board? If you had post(s) deleted, I would have seen them.

Having said that (and it doesn't apply to you, James), we try to enforce only quality content being posted on the forum. Sometimes we do delete posts that are: (a) spam, (b) break the rules, (c) fluff that users post just to bump up their post count, (d) bumps to very old threads that add zero value to the discussion or contain no new information. However, all deleted posts are still on record, so we can see them and track user's posting activity.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything. I'd hate to see you go for something like this. :)
