They are doing clustering and cPanel hasn't (Why not cPanel?!).
Not a huge investment, Nice one time payment. Yet how many customers would walk away from it just because its not cPanel?
Everyone one loves cPanel.. Interworx is looking pretty sweet. And their cluster panel as well (looks like they are still working on H/A).
Not a huge investment, Nice one time payment. Yet how many customers would walk away from it just because its not cPanel?
Interworx is, and always has been a great control panel, but i dont think its doing to take the cpanel customers, let be honest, interworx does the same as directadmin tbh, and people still choose cpanel over this, so i dont think its going to be much threat...
I have had Direct Admin servers that i have had converted to cPanel as could not attract DA clientbase to cover server costs
its because DA does not attract enough clients to make it worth it for many hosts.I have had a lot of issues finding hosts that offer directadmin.