Worst reseller experience?

dynaweb said:
Our worst experience was with FastHosts. Their policies are simply unreasonable and they suspend accounts without warning for posting a picture of bart simpson or luke skywalker. Then they ignore you and you are stuch with no explaination for the end user :(
Sounds like a bad experience. It gets worst! I have some bottom of the barrel experiences to share. But first! Members try and top what I have! :p
sounds like a few of you guys have had some problems, we should get the mods to make a forum listing bad experiences with companies... you could call it the: bad reseller host vault.. or something lol
TheReason said:
Mine had to be with hostnexus, they had the worst support and were very unprofessional in resolving the problems I had with services!

In the UK it has too be fasthost i hate them i use them but i wont be after this year finishses worst host ive come across so far
I was a reseller way to long, but it appeared to be cost effective for my small business, but after my experience last year with (a host in Romania) I decided to become a dedicated host.

Everything was great and the owner was available when everything was working. Then we had a failure, and I mean, wiped out, and he was no where to be found, his phone got shut off.

My partner at the time went and found some more info out as this guy through IM gave him authroization to call the host. He was so far behind in payments and everything that he paid $100 to get ther server turned back on so we could get our data off the servers.

I have been a dedicated host since!
webhosting4u said:
I was a reseller way to long, but it appeared to be cost effective for my small business, but after my experience last year with (a host in Romania) I decided to become a dedicated host.

Everything was great and the owner was available when everything was working. Then we had a failure, and I mean, wiped out, and he was no where to be found, his phone got shut off.

My partner at the time went and found some more info out as this guy through IM gave him authroization to call the host. He was so far behind in payments and everything that he paid $100 to get ther server turned back on so we could get our data off the servers.

I have been a dedicated host since!

WOW, now thats pretty bad. It is so bad, I feel better about my day :) Thanks for that!
If I could only remember the bad experiences I had reseller wise. As far as dedicated servers are concerned I had a number of bad experiences with ev1. They definitely use the cheapest hardware in there equipment. My server would lock up out of the blue even when the server load was not high! It took them several weeks to finally pay attention to this problem and admit it was the hardware.
Well, if we are going to talk about Dedicated Servers, I got a story for that one as well (and you guys thought my reseller experience was bad.)

I went in on a dedicated server with a collegue of mine shortly after the Reseller Account from Romania went down the toilet. We thought this was the life for us, we had much more control than ever before and it was a really great learning experience. The best part (though there have been many more since) was getting my first cPanel customer who wanted to move to us and I was able to restore the backup on my own and not wait for the host to do it! That was a great time saver on bringing the new client up with a new host.

So, in November everything goes to the dogs. The Dedicated Server company is doing a routine upgrade, we had outages and slow throughput for over 48 hours and they did not update us appropriately. I am sure with the amount of calls they were getting we were getting updated within a good time frame to them, just not to each individual customer.

They made it right by e-mailing the billing dept (results cannot be disclosed due to TOS and AUP), but they made right by there own outage and I felt they explained themselves well.

Then came December 27, 2005! What a day to remember! I take on a new customer who is on a cPanel server, however running a newer version of PHP and his site will not work. I was doing some investigating and that also included contacting the server company about an upgrade of the PHP. Mind you, I asked for info, how long, what will change, any other adverse effects should I be aware of.....No Reply! But MySQL went down!

An hour later I get a reply that the upgrade was done. Well, I thought, OK, if everything is working, great! It's done. So, off to check my clients sites. Not a one was working! I tried to explain it to them, but they said everything was fine......OK, but according to my clients the DB and Usernames for their DBs are empty, and I can confirm they were.

They began working on the server.....not sure how many tiny hits and MySQL dropouts (found that some sites did work).

Finally, 20 hours later they downgraded MySQL and said there was a bug that prevented them from loading it. (Well alrighty, that is OK, with exception I NEVER AKSED THEM TO LOAD IT.)

Then I notice an additional problem, and then so do my clients, no e-mail! I open a ticket....no real results, but they managed to break cPanel as well. No client could log into cPanel! They tell me they escalated to cPanel, this was Dec. 29, 2005.

I called their Toll Free # for support, always answered, but never a solution nor would they call cPanel to check on the status of their tkt. I called the Admin Extenstion three times. Got a VM recording for Judy twice, NO CALLBACK. January 4, 2006, call admin again, get a live voice, explain my woes, transfers me to an extension that has the extenstion # automated in the vm, you know what that means! Nobody sits there. No call back again!

January 5, 2006 - Purchased new dedicated server, moved all accounts! Very Happy with new provider.

Be Aware of AllManaged.com - They provide their clients zero support in their greatest times of need. All calls go through Sago Networks who tell you they will refer it back over to the AM side! Please! This is a real buyer beware!
Quite unfortunate that you have these experiences, but I am sure they definitely taught you a few things about how the hosting industry can be. A number of these companies don't know what they are doing but continue to promise the world to there clients.
Yes, thanks to bad hosts, bad customer service, bad support, and a little of my own initial inexperiences, I have learned a lot.

My #1 goal above all us is customer service. Good customer service and not disappearing when the chips are down will keep a customer around despite a failure in many instances. The main reason I have left different places was for lack of support.
No doubt, the bad ever is Mher.org.
They just have stolen all my data and my client datas.I mean stolen!
Wow, that’s a shame :-(

I have a question. When people start a web host, do they mean to give bad quality? I mean, it seems like there are allot more bad hosts then there are good hosts. If you start a hosting company, you should do it because you want to, and if you know you’re going to need to support the hundreds of customers you may end up with. I think allot of hosts just think they can just flick on a server and they got them selves a hosting company.... well for the people who do that, there wrong. It takes allot of work, which is why I don’t get there are bad companies out there, because its going to take allot of work. I know when I first started it was going to take allot of work. The first thing I did was hire staff so I would always have good staff that would treat the customers fairly. Second thing i would do is make sure that you have good server admins and good servers. You have to have both in order to run a company... and the last thing you should have is passion. If you don’t have to heart to server customers, then you should not start a company.
I think there are several reasons there are bad hosts. One is the nature of the internet. When you buy hosting, your buying an Intangible good. Something that you can't touch, taste or feel. I think alot of hosts take advantage of this. Also, put yourself in this situation. Let's say you have 1,000 customers. You then have one customer who is a real pain in the ass. Is it easier to deny them service; the service that your customers really deserve, then deal with the 999 others? I've seen some hosts just refund the money because they don't like dealing with a certain customer. Other hosting companies decide to go with Outsourced support, so the people who really run the host are more focused on sales and don't care too much about the support. It's much easier to focus on a sale, then supporting your existing customers. In the hosting world, I believe alot of hosts think that its a "set it and forget it" type of market. Most hosting companies are understaffed. When support isnt to par, the management is only focusing on new sales, and the "set and forget" mentality sets in. It's nothing more than a recipe for disaster.