Worst Customer Service


New member
It seems they have one person working there. They used to answer questions within a couple of hours, now I don't get a reply to my technical issues for days. I have a reseller plan, and my clients need things up and running. I can't get anything to work right off the first try of setting it up. Put in a question about secure folders several days ago, still no answer.

Anyone else having problems with them? Also anyone can recommend a coldfusion hosting reseller company?
I think this thread might be in the wrong Forum, but I'm not sure...This isn't really a 'review' more than a 'request for advice'. I'll let the MODs decide on this one :)
I feel this is the right forum for the thread. The OP shares his experience with the host and then wonders if he's the only one having such issues with them.
ok, thanks for clearing that up Dan. I just thought it was more of a discussion topic...sorry for running away with the thread a little bit!